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"y/n!" atsumu shouted when you opened the door. you screamed in surprise and closed the door in his face.

"don't scream." your grandma scolded and you said a quick sorry before opening the door again.

"you hit my nose." atsumu whined and rubbed his nose, his eyes watering a little.

"good." you felt a little bad, but brushed it off. "why are you here?"

"i wanted to take you out on a "date" before you slammed the door on my nose." he used air quotes for the word date.

when his hand moved away from his nose a trail of blood began dripping from his nose. "oh get in here." you ran to the kitchen and handed him a tissue.

he lazily held it against his nose while you stared at him. he was leaning against the kitchen island while you were leaning against the counter with your arms crossed.

"you did this to me." he accused.

"you're the one who shouted." you accused him back.

"you closed the door on me!"

"I'll do it again if you don't shut up about it!" he shut up after that.

"you did close the door on my face though." you pushed yourself off the counter and walked over to him. you grabbed his hair and pushed his face down so he was looking at the floor. "i can feel the blood coming out of my nose."

"ew. now can you just be quiet about your nose for two seconds?" you asked him.

"and what if I don't?" he questioned.

"then I'll have you looking down at the floor for the until you do." you said and waited for his answer.

"i'll stay like this thanks."

"okay." you kept his head down and he went quiet for a second.

"what if the blood gets on the floor?"

"then you're cleaning it up." you scrolled through your phone with one hand while the other was still holding atsumu's head down.

"im bored." he said after two minutes.


"can I get up now?" he asked two minutes later.

"will you stop talking about the door?"

"yes." you let go of his head and he stood back up. he grabbed another tissue and went to clean up his nose.

"you know miya, you've seen to be getting a lot of nose bleeds recently." you said.

"it was two times." he said. "two." he stuck two fingers into the air for emphasize.

his nose stopped bleeding and he threw away the tissues before washing his hands. "so what even is the date about?" you asked.

"i was just gonna take you to the mall so we can walk around and stuff." he shrugged. "maybe bond a little." he offered.

"wouldnt hurt to try I guess." you said.

"you're not gonna argue with me?" he was genuinely surprised.

"nope. i'll be done in a second." you went upstairs to go change. after you got changed you went back downstairs to see your grandma and atsumu talking.

"you're going on a date!" your grandma said happily and turned around.

"more of a hangout." you said and slipped your shoes on.

"he said it was a date." your grandma looked over at atsumu.

"you know she knows right?"

"yeah." he simply answered. atsumu headed towards the door and you got up after him. you both said bye to your grandma before leaving.

"so are we hoping for some random kid from our school sees us and spreads the word?" you asked.

"pretty much." atsumu nodded and threw his arm over your shoulders. "your not pushing my arm off." he commented.

"whats the point? youll just put it back if I do."

"glad to see you figured that out." he brushed a leaf that fell onto your shoulder off. "look at us bonding already."

"so much fun." you lacked enthusiasm in the sentence, but he didn't care.

"so when's your birthday?" he asked. for the whole walk and even when you two got to the mall he kept asking you questions.

"what's your favorite color?"

"celebrity crush?"

"favorite holiday?"

"me or 'samu? i'm gonna be very sad if you say osamu." he said and held the door open for you.

"if I say you will you pay for my things."


"then you." you answered and looked around the open area.

"oh you're kidding" you looked up at atsumu and followed his line of gaze.

"it's walmart chris hemsworth and friends." you said and looked back at atsumu. "come on, just walk the other way." you grabbed his hand and pulled him the other way.

"it's like they're stalking you." he said and you felt his grip on your hand tighten.

"it's alright." you said and led him into a shop. "now, loosen up pretty boy." you took a pair of sunglasses off the rack and stuck it into his face.

it was lopsided and almost falling off his face. you pulled your phone and took a picture. "cute." you showed him the picture.

"hot." you fixed the glasses for him and he put a pair on you. "highlighter yellow glasses and blood red." he took your phone and took a picture on it.

"look how relationships goals we are." he said and sent the picture to himself. "we should get these."

"it's your money." you began to walk further in the store. you found a floppy hat and made him put it on along with high heels.

"my socks are making this harder than it needs to be." atsumu held onto the wall while you recording him.

"give me a runway worthy walk!" you said and he pushed himself off the wall and towards you.

he stumbled a few steps, but managed to walk about two yards. "great job." you said as he collapsed, face first on the seat next to you.

"please get them off before my toes fall off." he said and you had a grin on his face while you unbuckled the heels for him.

"i'm sending that to suna." you said and searched for his contact. before you could send it, atsumu reached over your thighs and grabbed your hip, pulling you towards him.

his head was right next to your thigh and he grabbed your phone. "don't send that to him." he put your phone into his pocket and slid off the couch and sat on the floor. "he'll tease me for the rest of the year if you do."

"forget the year, he'll tease you for the rest of your life." you corrected had stood up with everything you got in the basket next to him.

"more of a reason not to give it to him."

"more of a reason to give it to him." you argued and handed him the basket. "here you go."

"i regret saying ill pay for your things." he grabbed the basket and stood up.

"too late now." he looked down and flicked your forehead before walking away. you trailed after him and leaned against the counter while he paid.

"hope you happy." he said when you reached into the bag to pull out the highlight yellow sunglasses.

"very." you said and placed the glasses on his face.

kill my mind - m. atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now