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"and then i met up with him after the game and we talked."

you were currently sitting in the kitchen table with mika and suguru while mika broke down their breakup and then them getting back together.

"then we got together again." suguru stood up and walked over to the fridge.

"imagine breaking up because someone was too into volleyball." you sneered at your cousin.

"shut up." he pulled out a bottle of water and handed it over to mika.

"now you're all soft and whipped for her." you watched as suguru stood behind mika.

"like you are for your boyfriend." suguru accused.

"excuse me, i am not whipped." you quickly said.

"yes you are." mika and suguru both said at the same time.

"am not."

"why don't we give him a call?" suguru asked.

"he's probably still at practice." you checked the time. kita's practices were ruthless on weekends.

"and what does he do after practice?"

"depends. if it's school days then he walks me home and if it's weekends he goes home and i come over later after he showers." you answered.

"and what do you do when he gets hurt?" suguru pressed on.

"the most hurt he ever had was a bloody nose. I'm always the one getting hurt." you admitted.

"and what did you do when he had the bloody nose?"

"why the questions? but i told him it was his fault for showing up unannounced at my house on the weekend before we were actually dating."

"how romantic." suguru crossed his arms and leaned forwards so they were against mika's chair.

"i know right."

"so what stage are you two at?" he asked.


"like you guys at the love stage yet?"

"uh. no."

"and why not?" mika spoke this time.


they both stared at you while waiting for you to finish your sentence.

"so you're in denial." mika concluded and looked up at suguru.

"i agree." he said. "do you want some of my great love advice?"

"no, not really." you said honestly, but he ignored you.

"don't break up for a stupid reason."

mika slapped his arm. "wasn't planning to." you drawled and leaned back in the chair, balancing on the back two legs.

"just saying." suguru raised his hands up.

"why are you dating this idiot?" you asked mika.

"hey!" suguru exclaimed, slightly offended.

"who gives relationship advice and says "don't break up." what class are you even in?" mika turned around and accused her boyfriend.

"just making sure." he said and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "and we're in the same class genius."

"oh really?" she asked. "never noticed you."

you watched the two bicker and turned your head towards the one who was talking.

kill my mind - m. atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now