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"okay so." atsumu slammed his hands down on your desk. you only raised your eyebrows at him and continued packing your things up.


"you know we're gonna have to kiss sometime. like a peck or something." he said. "people are starting to talk and tropical boy and his gang is starting to get near you again."

"and kissing is going to solve all of that?" you asked and looking up at him.

"it could solve one." he said and leaned against your desk. "it'll get those guys off your back and girls off mine."

"okay." you nodded and stood up.

"okay?" he was surprised by your answer. "after one and a half year of us bantering and fighting and shit you say okay to kissing me?"

"what? it's just kissing. no feelings attached and it's for show." you shrugged and atsumu nodded.


you two watched outside in silence. the sun was starting to set and you looked up at the sky, enjoying the view.

"hey." you looked over your shoulder at atsumu.

"hm?" he tilted his head down at you.

"you don't have to be home anytime soon right?"

"nope. why?"

"come on." you grabbed his sleeve and pulled him along. atsumu let you drag him, curious to see where you were taking him.

he did react when you ran through a red stoplight. "sunshine you're gonna get us fucking kill!" he shouted and ran ahead.

"oh come on. live a little."

"i'm not trying to die." he said and started walking more slowly when you two were off the road.

"everyone's gonna die one day." you glanced back at him and let go of his sleeve. he continued following behind you.

"i've seen this in movies. you're gonna lead me into a forest a kill me." atsumu guessed when you guys reached a small forest.

"no." there was a trail and all you had to do was follow it. "don't get lost, if you do i'm not going back to find you."

"lovely." atsumu followed closely behind you.

"we're here." you announced and he looked up.

"where are we?" he said almost breathlessly.

in front of him was a small waterfall with a decent sized pond at the bottom of the waterfall. there was also two swings. one at the top and one at the tree close to the water.

"a waterfall." you said and sat down on the swing, lightly swinging back and forth. "what else?"

"i can see that genius." he said and put his backpack down. "why are we here? we're not going swimming are we?"

"if you want to you could." you said and looked over at him.

"i don't have a change of clothes." he slightly pouted.

"and you're gonna let that stop you?"

he looked up at you and back over at the waterfall. "you're right." he shrugged his jacket off and unbuttoned his shirt, dropping those next to his backpack. you looked away when he took his pants off, but kept his boxers on.

"wanna join me?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows after taking his shoes off.

"maybe another time." you said. "i'm very comfortable on this swing." he nodded and made his way to the top of the waterfall, walking up the hill.

"you said another time!" he shouted. "which means you're bringing me back here!" you watched him hang onto to the rope. two hands on the rope, walk backwards, run, and swing.

he landed into the water with a splash and was under the water for a few seconds before the familiar head of dyed blonde hair popped back up.

"do you wanna come back here?" you asked him when he swam up to the edge.

"hell yeah. this place is so much cooler than being at home with samu." he said and got out of the water. "you sure you don't wanna jump? it's fun."

"i know how fun this is, i've done it before." you said and leaned back, holding onto the rope of the swing. "but thanks for the offer."

he nodded and made his way back up the hill. you got off the swing and sat at the edge of the pond, taking your shoes and socks. you let your feet dip into the water and waited for atsumu to jump down.

you laid down on your back and watched as he swung on the rope like fucking tarzan. when he splashed into the water, a few drops got onto you. you brushed them off and felt atsumu grab onto your ankles.

"no." you already knew what he was doing.


"no." you tried to get away, but he kept a firm grip on you.

"come on, sunshine. it'll be fun." he said, determined to get you into the water.

"i don't want to."

"and I never listen." he yanked and you crashed into him and into the water. you grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled yourself up.

"i hate you."

"love you too."

"i want to drown you right now."

"sure you do." he nodded and swan to the other side.

"i hope you land on a rock when you let go of the rope."

"we'll see." you stayed in the water while he went back up the hill.

"any rocks down there?" he asked when he got a hold on the rope.

"yeah loads!" you answered. there were no rocks.

"better make sure i don't land on one!"

"no, i think you should!"

atsumu ran backwards and then forwards, letting go off the rope a bit early, and then doing a flip in the air. you didn't realize he was about to land on you until it was too late.

he grabbed your waist when he got under the water and dragged you up with him. "i didn't say to land on me." you said and brushed his hair to the side when droplets were landing on your face.

"i landed on you." he had a stupid look on his face meaning he was about to say something stupid. "you're my rock."

"not that movie line." you groaned and let your forehead fall against his chest.

"my one and only." he splashed the water around him. "my dearly beloved one."

"i think im going to drown now." you let yourself go under the water, only to be pulled back up by atsumu.

"my fake girlfriend."

he pulled your legs to wrap around his waist so you didn't go back under the water. you had one arm on his shoulder and one around the back of his neck so you didn't fall.

"my sunshine."

kill my mind - m. atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now