e: husband & wife

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"ayame i think you might kill me." you said and your friend kept tightening the dress.

"hush." she turned you around and made you look in the mirror. "all works out in the end."

you stared at your reflection. the dress that you, your mom, atsumu's mom, grandma, ayame, and mika picked out was now on your body and about to be shown to everyone in the wedding.

"okay." you took a deep breathe when ayame threw your veil onto your head.

"don't be nervous." she shook your shoulders and put your earrings on.

"i am nervous."

"everyone's nervous on their wedding." your grandma walked into the room.

"atsumu's probably sweating right now or something." his mom also walked in. "you look great."

"thank you." you looked in the mirror again and then turned around.

"your soon to be husband is pacing in his dressing room." your dad walked into the room.

"i'm too nervous to even walk." you starting waving your hands in front of you before linking your arm with your dad's.

"i won't let you fall." you dad patted your arm.

"please don't. suna and osamu won't let me live it down." you walked out of the dressing room and looking down at your dress.

"they're busy with best man and dad duties." ayame said and walked behind you two. "i'm gonna go find gin now."

you and atsumu successfully got gin and ayame together during the last week of school after they denied their feelings for entirety of third year.

a few steps later you saw two kids.

kiyo and june, osamu and suna's kids.

kiyo, the boy who was four.

and june, the girl who was three.

"hello you two." you greeted the young girl who was wearing a purple dress with a basket in her hands. and then the young boy who was wearing a light blue suit with one purple flower sticking out of his pocket.

"hi." june smiled up at you. "look at the flowers." she grabbed a handful of petals and let them fall back into the basket.

"i know, they're pretty aren't they? and you get to throw them around in just a second." you fixed her dark brown hair and stuck one flower behind her ear.

"i'm excited." she said and looked over in the crowd where suna and osamu were standing with atsumu.

it was an outdoor wedding with fairy lights (atsumu's request) and flowers all over the place.

"you're turn to shine." you turned her around and led her the right spot. "you too kiyo."

kiyo nodded and stood next to his sister. he was more on the quiet side while june was friendly and talked to everyone she could.

"good kids aren't they?" your dad said and watched the two kids fight over who had the better job.

"suna and osamu did a good job with them." you agreed and started feeling even more nervous when the music started playing.

"you're gonna be fine." your dad patted your arm one more time before the kids started walking.

"you're not gonna be fine." osamu whispered over to his brother.

kill my mind - m. atsumuWhere stories live. Discover now