1. Swap

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Lan Zhan looked around the Chamber of Ancients, unable to find a place to perch the large artefact, he carefully placed it on the floor at the farthest corner of the room. after serving the surroundings, he was satisfied with his doing. He turned to leave, head full of meeting with his brother to talk about expanding the chamber now that artefacts from all over the cultivation world were turning up at their door.

A pair of hushed footsteps caught his attention just when he reached a door, swiftly he stepped away as the door opened and Wei Ying stood before him. Against the light pouring in from all direction around him, he couldn't see Wei Ying's face. For had he seen, he would have known that his love wasn't himself.

No words were spoken as Wei Ying crashed himself into Lan Zhan and then crashed their lips together with hunger and fervour, forcing his tongue and swirling it around before biting. Lan Zhan stiffened and pulled himself away, "Wei Ying?"

"Aaaah... Lan Zhaaaan." the whining was very Wei Ying like but this was not Wei Ying. His Wei Ying would have known why Lan Zhan stepped away or stiffened, his husband would have addressed the issue immediately, known immediately.

Lan Zhan calmed himself trying to sense a presence of spirit or effects of any artefacts or any potential threats but nothing around. Then, Wei Ying turned sideways to look around the room, eyes wide in wonder taking in each and every item before his eyes. Lan Zhan reached out to grabbed the man that looked and felt like Wei Ying but was not. But this man was swift and lugged for something perched on the very top, nearest him. A small device before Lan Zhan's own time. It was something recognised having been procured and kept in the Chamber of Ancients even before his uncle's time before the catalogues were beginning to be made.

Lan Zhan changed direction mid-air, sheathed Bichen, caught the man's wrist as Bichen thrust forward towards the other wrist that held the item. Unfortunately, he did not intend on harming the man who possessed the body of Wei Ying and the man knew about it. He simply landed on his feet, Bichen changed direction to restrict his movement and stick against his neck.

With a small smirk that struck Lan Zhan as madness, the man twisted his own wrist and jerked his head ahead at Bichen. Horrified, his face contracted, Bichen sheathed and his hand loosened. The man did not run, he pulled his twisted wrist groaning, placed the tiny conical item in his hand and twisted the two sides in opposite directions. Lan Zhan felt his head swim, weightlessness taking over his conscious as the room before him tilted and blurred, getting darker and darker. For a quarter of a moment, everything was black then the world slowly began coming back to view with a hazy towering mass of white robes. Bichen's unsheathing but not on his side, the shine was from the man opposite him.

His vision cleared and he saw himself mounting Bichen, preparing to fly out. Hanghuan Jun knew without having to think for more than a few seconds as to what happened, he grabbed Bichen's tail. what shop forward was Wei Ying's hand, black robes and wrists marked with their nightly encounters. His feet hovered above ground as the man who had overtaken his body tried to balance on Bichen. the man was unskilled but clever. He realised that he did not have his usual arm strength, being in Wei Ying's body, as his muscles quivered in exhaustion and strain.

Whatever had happened on Wei Ying's night hunt had left his body exhausted and susceptible to attack from this man that was currently laughing madly riding over Bichen. The sound of his own laughter was foreign to his own years.

"Wangji?" He heard his brother on the ground and realised that the man that had overtaken his body wasn't fully capable of using his cultivation as they were not too above the ground, barely hovering over the roof. Testing, he commanded Bichen to sheath in midair and it did. Swift as he were, the man commanded it back and it did so.

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