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Lan Zhan looked up as the door slid open and Wei Ying stepped in silently, returning from his meeting with his uncle, his smile a little lost and his eyes a little sad. He did not greet with whine, kisses or happiness. He wanted to ask but knew Wei Ying would not give, so he smiled a little, knowing the other loved his smiles but Wei Ying did not look, instead, slid beside, him, resting his back to LanZhan's shoulders.

Lan Zhan looked sideways as he worked through evaluating papers for this years disciples. The job should have been made much easier by Wei Ying's silence.

On any other day Wei Ying talked Lan Zhan's ears off when Lan Zhan was occupied and Wei Ying was not. But right now as he rested his head against Lan Zhan's shoulder and stared out of the open window of the Silence Room, this was distracting Lan Zhan more than the chatter. His grading was slower than usual.

"What are you thinking?" Lan Zhan asked after he was done with more than half.

"That I love you." Wei Ying spoke softly, turned to the side with a sincere smile. Now Lan Zhan knew something was going on. Nevertheless, the words made his heart flutter and he leaned to the side, pressed his lips to Wei Ying and tried to deepen the kiss. Tried.

Wei Ying pulled back, looked at him for one long unblinking minutes, then smiled, pecked Lan Zhan softly and turned around. Lan Zhan's heartfelt heavy, he placed his hand on Wei Ying's waist, focused on the papers, finished quickly, put them aside and turned.

He let Wei Ying lean against his chest, picked him by the waist and put him on his lap.

"What is the matter?"

"Make love to me Lan Zhan." So low were his words and so filled with need, that Lan Zhan had to turn him around and look him in the eye for the lack of tease and shameless words.

"Wei Ying is different today." Lan Zhan finally spoke his mind. For a brief moment, Wei Ying's face etched with a barely held smile before he laughed. Threw his head back and laughed. For what he was laughing, neither he nor his lover knew. But when he was done laughing, he leaned forward and kissed Lan Zhan with an open mouth, pressing his teeth into the bottom lips of his lover, dragging them back, on and on until he was satisfied before he thrust his tongue, knocking into Lan Zhan's teeth, thrusting it inside, past, dragging it around the walls, making Lan Zhan moan into the kiss. As if the moan satisfied him, he smirked into the kiss and retreated into his usual gentle touches.

Lan Zhan was a bit shocked in the beginning as his lover did not tease, pull or play but he quickly realised that Wei Ying was teasing instead, in another way. They had only been together for a few years properly and Lan Zhan was still often pleasantly surprised when he discovered these new sides to Wei Ying. Lan Zhan forgets everything as Wei Ying's delicious tongue pushes past his teeth with force and drags itself all around slowly. Lan Zhan moves his wrist and feels his husband's hand down there. It becomes hard to hold back and let him do as he pleases. Then Wei Ying begins to drag the tip of his tongue at the roof of Lan Zhan's mouth and he loses control, moaning a little. It is rare that he does so and he feels the heat, both rushing down and rushing up.

As soon as he begins to feel dizzy, Wei Ying retreats gently and Lan Zhan can feel the tilt of his lips against his. He was teasing, just without words. Lan Zhan pushes him back and on the ground and all but rip his robes away from him making Wei Ying laugh. The sound of his music to his ears, as he goes in to find that mischievous tongue again and they kiss until all their clothes are a mess around their limbs and their limbs are tangled with each other. Lan Zhan's hands work the familiar rhythm down Wei Ying's body, caressing the curves, teasing the sensitive skin on his buds, his sides and between his legs when they came apart to breathe. Lan Zhan's mouth follows his hand, trailing kisses but he pauses as he comes down to the taut buds.

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