Volume 1 Chapter 6: A Plot To Destroy All Might

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Previously: A few hours later: (Interrogation Time)

Star Shot escorted Kazuko to the basement where the prisoner was being held. They were tied up to a metallic chair with quirk neutralizing shackles, they were gagged, and blindfolded.

Kazuko: "Tell us what we need to know and you won't be tortured."

Star Shot: He removed the blindfold and gag. He created a Glock and aimed it at his forehead.

Surge: He created an electric whip.

Prisoner- Reno Tsukau (Shie Hassaikai Goon): "A little girl? Will torture me? Pfttt! That's rich, I'm more scared of these men than you kid."

She glared at him and she started to shake uncomfortably with agonizing pain from the inside out. He screamed out so loud he was abruptly stopped by the feeling of a gunshot in the shoulder. "Shut the fuck up, damn stalker." Star Shot said, sternly. He was annoyed with him so much disrespect towards Kazuko.

He was tortured painfully until he spilled the tea of why he was monitoring Kazuko.

Overhaul told him to follow her and report back Friday afternoon where their complex was located so they could take out the competition in the underworld. Kazuko grabbed his face and burned him down to the bone. He died very slowly and painfully. "We'll deal with the Shie Hassaikai later, but first. We need to deal with All Might."

Saturday~ After the failed raid, Kazuko went out to the outskirts of the nearest city and reached an abandoned-looking bar.

Star Shot takes position across from the bar on a rooftop with his quirks on standby with a sniper in hand. Laying down prone.

Jäger Wølf aka Wolf walks into the bar with her as her Bodyguard and muscle. Even though he looks very slim and not very strong.  He's very tall and the lack of vision of his eyes is quite disconcerting.

She smirked devilishly in her casual clothes and with her card in between her fingers. "I'm here to strike a deal with you, I'm here on behalf of the Yakuza Kurono family." She threw her card at the boss with hands all over him. He caught it and looked down at it very carefully. He turned it to ash. "No, thanks. And I've never heard of the Yakuza family of Kurono." She covered her mouth trying to not laugh. But it looked like she was shaking in fear. "You made a mistake coming here, little girl." He went to grab her but then a bullet went through his palm and shoulder, within a blink of an eye. He froze in place and his eyes widened at the sight of her grinning widely. "You are mistaken about your place in this conversation. I'm the one in control here." He went to speak but Wolf slice the air with his newly created crystal sword. The blade of air blew past Shigaraki's face and made a huge dent in the wall behind him. His cheek started to bleed just slightly. "Now, I've heard you are going after All Might, from a few little birdies." He growled deeply at her with irritation. "So what?" She chuckled softly,"I have information regarding that particular individual. And I want to hire you to kill him for me. You see, he's in my way and I want him gone for good." Shigaraki leaned up against the bar and scratched his neck intensely. "Then hurry up before I lose my patience." She nodded her head, but Wolf was slowly losing his patience with his rude attitude towards Kazuko. "I'll give everything I have but only if you obey me just this once." Shigaraki took a step forward but Wolf held up his sword to his chest. He scoffed irritated,"Ugh fine." "Don't misunderstand me, i want to create an alliance with your little group. I have full confidence that you will make the world better for those who hate hero society." He sighed softly,"I guess we can have a truce if this plan goes smoothly." She smirked confidently. "Okay here's what I have so far...."

A few minutes later:

Shigaraki pointed at Kuroguri,"He will take it from here. I'm tired." He walked away. Kuroguri walked around from standing in the bar and held out his hand to shake her hand. Wolf shook it instead. "It's a deal, we have an activated truce. But if you were to break that, i assure you i have information on you two as well." She said glaring at him with such intensity. He nodded his smoky head. "Understood, Mrs. Kurono." "Call me Vice, please." "Of course, Mrs. Vice." She turned around to leave,"Take care, Mr. Kuroguri."

They both left and she started walking down the back street. She felt like something or someone was watching her. Then suddenly a gunshot was to be heard above them. A familiar face hit the ground behind them with crimson red wings. "Hawks, the number #3 hero." He looked up see a little girl standing next to a huge slim build guy with a blindfold over his eyes. "Are you alright miss? Do you need me to help you?" She burst into laughter. His eyes widened as she walked towards him with golden flames coming from her palms, feet, and the corner of her eyes. "No thanks, pro hero. Or should I say, two-faced spy?" His eyes widened even more. "How did you?" She snapped her fingers and Star Shot dropped behind him and cocked the gun directly behind his head. He was on his knees breathing heavily in confusion and fear. She crouched down and grabbed his face,"You saw nothing here. Trust me, you don't want to mess with me and my family." She leaned in and whispered into his right ear. "Oboro Kurono's daughter, at your service. And your Keigo Takami, right?" His eyes shook violently, along with his entire body. He could barely breathe. He couldn't hear anything else but his own heartbeat quickening. She stood back up, "Hawks, listen up." He looked at her with full attention. "Keep your lips sealed and I'll do the same about your secret and family." He sat there in silence nodding his head slowly. She smiled happily,"Let's go, Gunner & Blink." She said fake names to throw Hawks off, knowing that he's a double agent. They both took the hint. Star uncocked the gun and walked past Hawks in order to walk next to Kazuko.

Sunday~ Star & Wolf escorts her to the movies. Everybody walked past and they all start to wonder who she is and why she is being escorted by two very hot men.

They reached the movie theater, she asked to watch the most violent movie bit the ticket man denied her access due to her age. They both pointed weapons at him and Star said,"You wanna run that by me again?" "Um, I um..." "Come little lamb, speak up before we eat you alive." Wolf said, licking his lips. The man gave them the tickets and then passed out of stress. She looked up at them both and smiled. They both nodded their heads. She grabbed their hands and then pulled them inside the building smiling happily. They both looked at each other and then back at her happily in their own way.

To be continued...

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