Volume 1 Chapter 7: Playing HERO

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Previously: Kazuko set up a plan to get rid of All Might. And to form an alliance with the league of villains for the future. Will the plan fall through or go terribly wrong?

Monday~ USJ

Star Shot & Yang follow Kazuko & Shoyo to school and tailed Kazuko to the USJ in disguises.

Kazuko kisses her boyfriend and pulls away in her hero costume. She talks to Mina & Deku on their way to the Location.

Star Shot informs the league of the location. Kazuko and everyone reacted to the villains almost the same. Kazuko gets teleported in a fire dome. She propelled herself into the air and kicked a villain in the face just before they stabbed Ojiro. He thanked her for the save, she nodded her head and then dashed towards the exit. "Star stop anyone who tries to escape but don't kill them. Yang stay on standby, you need to pose as a villain and attack me when I say,"Karma's going to get you." "Yes, Ma'am." They both said in unison.

She punched and kicked through the horde of thugs trying to get to the exit. She eventually knocked down the double doors to see Mr. Aizawa's body being broken like small twigs. This sight enraged her, she actually likes her teacher. She scoffed disgusted with herself and dashed towards the huge creature and Shigaraki just before he can kill her teacher. "MR. AIZAWA!" He looked over weakly to see her sprinting towards him with golden fire coming off of her body. "Nomu, kill her!" Shigaraki said, rudely. Mr. Aizawa said weakly,"No, stay away." She leaped into the air and waved her arms and hands around at random. Just as she landed, the Nomu reached out to grab her face. But suddenly he was punched by a familiar face. She fell back and watched as the Nomu fight against All Might at full strength. She glared at Shigaraki,"I Karma, is going to make you pay for hurting my teacher!" She took a step forward but stopped abruptly by the feeling of pain in her right shoulder. She looked over to her a dagger blade sticking out of her right shoulder. She looked around and then suddenly got kicked in the back. She looked behind her but the culprit was gone. She detached her wire and put Mr. Aizawa over her other shoulder. "Why?" He asked weakly. "Because I care about you, as my teacher and my favorite pro hero." She saw Kirishima, Shoto, and Bakugo running towards her, she smiled slightly.

Then suddenly she fell to her knees. The person who was attacking her and disappearing finally showed their face. She was kicked forward. He landed gracefully in front of her in a black skintight bodysuit and he had a full face mask on. He laughed at her pain,"A student, playing hero, huh?" She glared at him but just before she could use her "Death Glare" he sunk into the ground. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Kirishima, take Mr. Aizawa to the entrance right away." He nodded his head,"You got it, man!" He started walking away but the ninja appeared and threw another dagger at Mr. Aizawa's back. She wrapped her wires around the blade mid-air and swung it back at the villain. They pulled out a Katana and deflected to the blade easily. She dashed towards them with rage and fire consuming her,"I will make you pay for hurting my teacher!" She went to punch him with flaming fists. But he gestured his finger's upward and a concrete wall formed. She groaned in pain upon impact. She went to dash back but she suddenly got slashed in the back by the villain's Katana. She screamed out in pain but spun around and kicked their sword to the ground. He scoffed irritated with his voice changer active, so his voice was really deep. He produced metallic whips and they came out of his palms, his outfit had premade holes presumably for this purpose. She took a step back and got stopped by the wall from earlier. Bakugo flew towards the villain and set off a huge explosion directly behind him. He saw a concrete shield. Then suddenly he was tackled to the ground by Shoto. The villain sent the metallic whip towards the wall to hurt Bakugo but they failed. Kazuko reached out to use her wires but he threw a dagger in her right palm. She screamed out in even more pain. She was losing the fight. But she was holding back the use of her trap card. She was hit all over by the metallic whips, her screams echoed throughout the dome. Shoto sent a glacier of ice towards the villain. They went into the ground and just before Kazuko got crushed by the ice, Sero wrapped his tape around her waist and pulled her out of the way. She exhaled slowly, her breathing was heavy and shallow. She looked at Sero, he was worried about her safety. She went to speak but collapsed to the ground, he caught her and said her name but she didn't respond. He picked her up and ran towards the others,"I need help! Kazuko is really hurt!"

Meanwhile~ All Might is breathing heavily in front of Kuroguri and Shigaraki. His body was producing steam. He said something about it being game over but then suddenly he was shot in the knees and left shoulder. He stumbled backward and when he went to walk or move his legs failed to work. He fell to his knees breathing heavily.

Sero panicked and stopped in place. Kazuko woke up and stumbled towards All Might. She reached out her hand hesitantly. Everyone froze in place, shaking uncomfortably at the sight of the number one hero unable to move or fight back. Shigaraki reached out to grab his face.

Kazuko grabbed the dagger in her shoulder and pulled it out. She screamed out his name as she threw the dagger at Shigaraki's hand but Kuroguri made a portal appear and made a portal behind her and she got stabbed by the dagger in her shoulder, inches away from her heart. She collapsed to the ground. She reached out and clawed at the ground. Yang appeared and grabbed his sword. Bakugo screamed out as he flew towards the ninja. He set off a huge Explosion directly in his face, Shoto scooped her up and froze the holes in her back to stop the bleeding.

All Might look over at the students and reached out his hand hesitantly. "I'm sorry, for everything." Shigaraki grabbed his face causing All Might to crumble to nothing but dust. Everyone who saw this screamed out his name with despair.

Denki called for help from the school and police.

A few hours later: Kazuko, Aizawa, and Deku were sent to the hospital immediately. And All Might's ashes were collected.

Kazuko was marked as a victim and the principle ruled her out of being the culprit of setting this up. Just as she planned.

Tuesday Afternoon~ She was checked out Star Shot as her guardian. Shoyo was with him. He ran to her room and opened the door to see her smiling happily at him. He ran towards her and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and out on a good show.

She was scooped up into Shoyo's arms and carried out of the hospital. He didn't share his blood with her this time, to sell the story.

Hizashi Yamada aka Present Mic rushed past Them both, time slowed down and he saw her being carried by a very tall young man. His eyes widened slightly, and then time sped up. She looked over Shoyo's shoulder, she grinned sadistically at Present Mic. He got chills throughout his entire body. He stood there overwhelmed with panic and fear of what state Shota Aizawa is in right now. He went back to running towards his room.

The sun was going down in the distance. There was a black vehicle waiting for the three. Star the silhouette of a gun aimed at the driver. He created a gun and went to shoot but the door opened and the gun went off. Shoyo caught the stray bullet coming towards Kazuko. Star squeezed the trigger and injured the gunman in the shoulder. The vehicle exploded and blood went everywhere. A humanoid form of navy blue electricity formed in front of them and spoke up,"Sorry about that, I was trying to hack the system but ended up blowing up the car. I'll make myself scarce, Kazuko..." Police officers arrived to see them all on the ground groaning deeply and trying to sit up. "They tried to kill us, she was so scared, she passed out." They took them to a random house. They got out of the car and went to unlock the door but then the police left. They both looked at each other, nodding. Surge came out of Star's phone and went into the building's electrical box.

Surge electrocuted the people living in the house and then unlocked the door. "Please come in." They entered the house and laid her down on the comfy couch to rest soundly.

To be continued....

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