10~ You Win

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We both start circling each other, Will in a fighting stance, me standing normal.

"Do you even know how to fight?" Will asks me

"I don't know. Wanna find out?" I ask

"Probably not"

We continue to circle each other for a little while longer, me learning his weaknesses, him doing I have no clue.

After about another minute, which makes 4 that we've been in the ring, he takes his shot. In the shoulder.

"That would've been a lot better for you if you hit my collarbone instead" I tell him

I send a right hook, which he blocks, before swiping his feet out from under him.

"If you're all going to make it that easy, I'm not fighting the rest of you" I say to them before turning to Isa

First rule of fighting, never turn your back on your opponent.

Except since I'm a little more...advanced and this is exactly what I need to do for my plan, I kind of have to.

Isa seems to notice my thinking and shakes her head but has a smile on her face.

"First rule that you're going to learn Bella, never turn your back on your opponent" I hear Will say before he swipes my feet and puts his forearm against my throat

We stay like this fora couple seconds before I speak.

"Fine, you win"

He starts to let pressure off and get up. Poor him, he never should've underestimated me.

"Oh, and Will" I say getting his attention

"Rule number 2" I say before trapping his legs with mine, pushing up with my shoulders, and flipping us over

I then put my forearm against his throat and put pressure.

"Tap out or knock out, only ways to end a fight" I say

"She's got you there brother" Luka says, getting a slap to the head right after

"You guys are going to give him brain damage" I say, still looking at Will

"He's the one that starts it" I hear Drei say

"You do realize it could be you in this position right now, right?" I ask but get no answer

After another couple seconds, Will still doesn't tap out, so I increase the pressure.

When he still doesn't tap out, I increase it even more and continue to.

I only stop 10 seconds later when I feel two taps on my wrist.

"Took you long enough" I say with a smile on my face

"Shut, up" he says winded, making me chuckle a little while standing up

"Alex, you still wanna fight?" I ask

"No, he's not. Boys, office. Now" Gio says after moving his phone from his ear

They all look at each other before going to his office, very quickly might I add.

Once they're out of the room, I turn to Isa. She looks at me, just confused, and nods.

I get out of the ring and we both make our way in the direction that the boys went.

"Yes, you may not care from him, but your daughters do" I hear from outside the door making me open it immediately

I see Quinton Cordell on the screen in the room with someone tied to a chair in the background.

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