16~ So, let's begin.

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Don't judge me for the song, ok? It's actually really good once you get past the crazy vibe.

We get to Fernando's office and I open the door.

"Bella, we were expecting you" Martin says with a smirk

"Alright, first thing. Under no circumstances is Will to marry this bitch" Juli says throwing Adelina's limp body next to Fernando who is groaning on the floor

"You were going to try to marry my son with her?" Gio asks Fernando who just laughs

"Second thing" I say throwing Carlos in front of Fernando as well

"How the bloody hell do you know about Hayley and Hunter?" I ask him

"Oh yes, those brats. My son doesn't ever know how to shut his mouth, that's how" He says

"I'll tell you the same thing I told your son not five minutes ago" I say crouching down to where only he can hear me

"Never threaten a mother's kids" I whisper before pulling him up and twisting his arm behind his back

"And now since I know you know where they are, start talking" I say putting a knife to his throat

"You think I'm scared of you? You must be delusional" He laughs

"Really? Because there's a couple things I didn't tell that bastard right there" I say nodding at Carlos

"And something is going to make me scared of you?" He asks

"Really? Ok, does regina degli inferi ring a bell? Perhaps regina della morte? Or better yet, morte?" I ask in a whisper so only he can hear
(queen of the underworld, queen of death, death)

His body goes stiff and his breathing becomes heavy.

"You seem to have heard of me, good. And now that you know the bare minimum of what I will do to you, talk" I seethe, sitting him in a chair that was placed in the middle of the room

"They'll kill me" He says, his voice getting hoarse

"I'll kill you. The only difference being that whoever they is, will torture you for the fun of it" I respond

"Like you won't" He scoffs

"I have a reason to not do that because then you won't give me the information I need. But don't make the assumption of thinking I won't" I tell him

"I treated you like a daughter" He says

"No, you treated me like a object that was soon to be your son's house wife" I respond putting the tip of my knife under his chin

"Which is not now nor ever happening" Juli says

"I'm not talking" He says

"Is that so?" I ask crouching in front of him

"confianza por encima de la tortura" He spits making me laugh
(trust above torture)
Please ignore the error. I don't speak Spanish and google translate doesn't like me at the moment.

"Alright then" I say with a sinister smirk on my face which makes him tremble

I get up and walk over to the mirror behind his desk. I press each corner individually and it opens to reveal dozens of weapons.

"How did you know that?" Dickface asks me

"You don't tend to hide your secrets well, and I intend to prove that" I say taking out a knife that heats up with the push of a button

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