21~ She's Ok

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Please ignore if there is incorrect spelling in the translations, I don't speak any language fluently other than English. Sorry in advance.


When I pull into the driveway of my house, Lina stays asleep.

I get out and take her stuff as well as Jaylin inside the house, putting her stuff in one of the rooms on my floor before going back down.

I barely get out of the elevator before Fallon runs up to me.

"She's ok Fal, but can you hold this one while I go get her?" I say before any words can come out of her mouth

"Sure" she responds, carefully taking her out of my arms

"Hi JayJay, I've missed you" she coos at her making the tiny being laugh

I let them be and go out to get Lina.

I grab her very small, very light body before taking her inside.

"Fal, follow me" I say to her, successfully getting her attention from Jay

"What happened?" She asks when we get in the elevator

"She's just sleeping Fal, I told you she was fine" I say and she releases a breath

We don't say another word, the only noise coming from Jay's incoherent babbles.

The elevator doors open and I walk in the direction of where I put Lina's stuff, Fallon following close behind.

I place Lina in the center of the bed and drape one of the blankets over her.

"Can I stay in here with them?" Fallon asks me

"Of course" I respond making her smile

"Just don't wake her up and if something happens come get me" I add and she nods

I smile at her before leaving the room and carefully closing the door.

I then walk to my office, needing to make a phone call.

I close the door and walk over to my desk that has my work phone on it since I left my personal one in the car.

I dial her number and let it ring, waiting for her to pick up.

"Douleur" she answers, seeing this particular phone number

"Ho qualcosa da dirti e ho bisogno che tu non ti arrabbi per questo" i tell her
(I have something to tell you and I need you to not freak out about it)- Italian

"зависит от того, что это" she replies
(Depends what it is)- Russian

"намерих някой" I tell her
(I found someone)- Bulgarian

"qui?" She asks
(Who?)- French

"Lina" I answer

"မင်းဘယ်မှာလဲ?" She asks after a few seconds
(Where are you)- Burmese

"zelfde plaats als eerder" i reply
(Same place as earlier)- Dutch

"daj mi nekoliko sati" She replies before ending the call
(Give me a few hours)- Croatian

I place the phone back down and open my laptop to see if I have any new information.

Finding nothing of that sort, I close it and take out my tablet, continuing my apartment sketches.


A few hours have past by from when I talked to Juli and no one has bothered me at all.

I got a fair deal into my sketches, but I'm still no where near done.

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