Chapter 1- first day

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Farhan POV:

It's been two years since Safa died. Our lives have been altered for the rest of our life. I've been hurt. Why did it have to happen to our family, I'm enraged. Except for my son Yusuf, I'm alone. I'll go to any length for him; he's the reason I'm still alive. My 6-year-old son is shattered, and he's changed since his mom left us. He isn't very talkative. He's all the time... I'm at a loss for words. I'll go to any length to make him happy once more. Give him the entire universe.

Author POV

His personal assistant interrupted Farhan's thoughts, saying, "Sir Yusuf is here from school."

"Where is he" Farhan said turning around.
"He again went to his room" his assistant replied with a sad tone. Farhan nodded He walked into his room. Yusuf was laying on his bed when he opened the door to his room. "Yusuf," Farhan said as he approached him.
"Son, talk to me"
"I want to sleep" Yusuf answered by hiding under his blankets. Farhan rose from his seat, kissed his forehead and exited his room.

Next day

Alif POV

I got up around 6 a.m. had a shower, and dried my hair. I dressed up and did my morning prayers. I made a dua for my parents, who perished three years ago in a vehicle accident. Leaving me to fend for myself.

I'm alone. Apart from my buddy Mia and Saif Ali, Saif has always stood by me. And I'm grateful for it. In my modest flat, I am alone. I graduated from medical school last year and am now a doctor. I was transferred to Al-furqan Academy this year.

I'm anxious. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly. Because the school where I'll be working is a wealthy one, all of the wealthy students will be present. This job is extremely important to me. Around 9 a.m. I leave my apartment. I started driving my car and was there in about 25 minutes

When I park my car and glance up, I notice that the school is quite large. I instantly recited a prayer and entered the building.
A lady stood near the front desk, which I noticed. I approached her.

"Hello, my name is Alif Ahmad and I'm the new doctor."
The lady smiles as she looks up

"Hello welcome to Al-furqan Academy Come this way I will show your office" she replied politely

Alif nodded and followed her into the enormous office, passing through two halls

"Here. This it it, everything you need is here" the lady replied
"Thank you.. umm what's your name" Alif said
"Oh sorry my name is Hana John." She started laughing.

"All right.... all right, I'm going to leave and stay here if any of the kids aren't feeling well or are wounded. They were going to come here. Just relax here until then"

"Thank you" alif said smiling at her.

"You're welcome, darling," Hana said as she walked away.
alif sat down at her desk. "She's so kind" alif said looking around.

Back to Farhan shah family

Yusuf began strolling inside when the driver dropped him down at Al-Furqan Academy.
Everyone wished him a good day, but he remained silent.
He walked inside the room.

"Hello Yusuf welcome to class" the teacher said
Yusuf turn towards the teacher.
"Don't call Yusuf again... call me Shah" Yusuf replied in a serious tone.

He was promptly apologized for by the other teacher.  Yusuf walk away, The teacher who apologized to him said to other teacher

"Hey, I'm presuming you're new here because you don't call him Yusuf because he doesn't like it no one calls him Yusuf. They call him Shah," the teacher nods saying "thank you"

Doctor Alif  ✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin