Chapter 13

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Sitting down on a couch with Farhan and Yusuf, Hamid continued to clutch Alif's hand. "Your apartment is really lovely, my doctor," Yusuf remarked, grinning sweetly.
"Aw, thank you," Alif grinned in response. "Okay, any guess what to do, what games should we play?" Alif stated. Once inside, Hamid sat on her lap.

Hamid grinned evilly and added, "Let's play truth and dare." Everyone's eyes are on him. At that moment, Hamid stood up, moved to pull Yusuf into a corner, and whispered something in his ear. They both chuckle.

Ignoring Farhan Gaze on her, "you too come here" alif said opening her arms for a hug. Both of them came and hug Alif. Alif kiss both of them. "What are you guys doing huh in that corner" alif said
"Let's play" Hamid said changing the topic.

It's been 7 minutes since they were playing.

Holding Hamid's hand, Yusuf responded, "Okay, Baba truth or dare."
"Dare" Farhan shot back, glancing at Alif.
Yusuf responded, "Okay, kiss the doctor," and they both burst out laughing.
Alif was shocked as they weren't big enough to consider this. Farhan responded "Yusuf... I can't do that" and he glanced at Alif with slight smirk.

"It's the rule" Hamid said, "or we won't talk to you" Yusuf said.

"Honey This is wrong. Don't be stubborn now." She says softly trying to convince them.
Both shake their head in rejection, almost turning away.

After a minute, they were still waiting for them. Farhan sighed and turned to face Alif, who was staring at him nervously. She looks up at Farhan with a final sigh.

"You don't have to—" he says but Inside he didn't want to miss the chance to kiss her .

She looked down, feeling shy, and gave him a nod of approval.
Grinning, Yusuf and Hamid clasp hands. Farhan leaned in closer to Alif, who did not look directly at Farhan. Farhan touch-alif She looked up and met his eyes, and he leaned forward to give her a cheek kiss. He leaned back.
"Awww" Yusuf and Hamid both laughed.

Her Heart was pounding. A wave of flash back hit her, closing her eyes she felt like he has done this before. Touching her head she gets up

"alright, enough of the games." Alif said

"Let's watch a movie," Yusuf said, giving her a hug. "Yes, a movie is better," Hamid stood up and took her hand.
"Okay, so what kind of movie is it?" Farhan asked as he got up from his couch. "Any Disney movie?" Hamid answered.

Afterwards, Yusuf was seated next to Farhan while Hamid hugged Alif

"Doctor, do you want a popcorn?" Hamid says
Alif nods he forward the popcorn, alif grab some.

Yusuf got up and said, "My doctor, I need to go to the bathroom.'" Farhan told him that he could take him but Yusuf refused "No, I'm going with my doctor." Yusuf continued and Alif stood up and said, "it's okay, come Yusuf.'" Alif then extended her hand. Holding her hand, Yusuf grinned. They proceed in the direction of the bathroom.

Hamid turn his head and Stared at Farhan. Farhan noticed and looks at him smiling. While Hamid quickly looks away.

"So how old are you Hamid?" He question him.
"I am 7 Years old." He says

"What should I call you" Hamid said shyly
"Anything you want!" Farhan replied with smile.
"Farhan uncle" Hamid said

"Okay.. Hamid is a nice name" Farhan said looking at him. "Thanks your nice" Hamid smile.

"Can I hug you" Hamid suddenly said, Farhan nods opening his arms for him.

Hamid got up and hugged Farhan, Farhan hugged him back.

Just then alif and Yusuf came back. They both were shock to see Hamid and Farhan hugging. Hamid pull back, Farhan kissed his forehead.
"Mashallah" alif said, their attention turn to alif and Yusuf.

Afterwards, they carried on seeing the film.
Hamid was asleep, and Yusuf had slept off as well.
Farhan was sleeping by Yusuf's side, and Alif was sleeping by Hamid's side. Twenty minutes or so later, Farhan's eyes gently opened and he looked around—they were still asleep. He gently stood up and turned to face them. Hamid and Yusuf are adorable together. Hamid was clutching Alif's hand. Farhan gave a smile.

He pulled out his phone, snapped a photo of them, grinned, and placed a kiss on Yusuf's head, then Hamid's face, and finally, in a slow motion, on her forehead. He withdrew and grinned once again. His favorite day ever began when all of a sudden Alif's phone rang. They all opened their eyes, Alif got up, and she answered it. "Hello......Hello," she murmured, but no one responded, so she hung up

She turn around, they were all awake. Farhan look at his watch, it was around 6pm. "Yusuf come let's go" Farhan said, Yusuf look at alif. Just then the door bell started ringing twice, Alif. Fixed her hijab and open the door, rabia was standing in front of her

"hi, Doctor" rabia said hugging alif,
"I am here to pick Hamid" she said just then Farhan came out and Yusuf, Rabia step back, so they could walk  past.

Farhan hold Yusuf hand and walk past rabia.

"Hi" she began, turning to face Farhan. "Hi," he said.
Alif's hand was being held by Hamid behind her. Raabia pulled on Hamid's hand and urged, "Come on, let's go." Hamid answered, "No, I won't," while clutching alif's hand.

"Hamid, don't play games with me, it's late, anyways you been with Doctor alif long enough, she's tired too" Raabia said Pull Hamid's hand again.

He began to cry. With a severe tone, Raabia shouted at Hamid, "Pull yourself together."
With a serious expression, Farhan turned to face Rabia and remarked, "no need to yell at him."

Rabia and Hamid look at Farhan. "Rabia, I don't mind him staying tonight with me, I am off tomorrow too" alif said holding rabia's hand pleading to her.

"Alright, as you please," Raabia responded, taking out a card. "Take this, call me whenever he wants to come home, but I'm really busy I don't have time for him." She also took out a check "Here, take this; it's 20 thousand for taking care of Hamid"

Alif took the check, "Rabia, you know better what's this, please take this back, I won't accept it I want to take care of him, it's my choice you don't need to pay me" alif said giving her the check back.

Rabia smirk "that's why I like you.... okay I have to go... Hamid don't trouble Doctor alif okay.... oh here take this, it's his stuff, like clothes etc" rabia says alif nods and took it from her.

then she turned to leave. Hamid gave Alif a hard hug and burst into tears. She bowed and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Don't cry, Hamid, my love; I'm here," Alif comforted him, getting to her feet and taking his hand.

'She's so precious' he thought.

Farhan nods "okay Doctor we are gonna leave thank you"

"Your're welcome, okay," grinned Alif as she gave Yusuf a forehead kiss. "Yusuf, I hope you had a good time with us. Please be careful," she touched his hair.

"All right, doctor," Yusuf nods.

Farhan came to alif, he hold her hand. Alif look up to him. "Thank you so much..." Farhan said with smile, alif nods he kissed her forehead, she gasp
Farhan step back with smirk, "take care okay, I left my bodyguards here, need anything tell them okay" Farhan said then he walk away with Yusuf.
Alif hold Hamid hand, she walk-inside and close the door.

Doctor Alif  ✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat