Chapter 2 | Phillip

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"Good morning, your highness."

A woman dressed in a traditional victorian maid outfit in her older years spoke with a soft tone, Attempting to wake up his royal highness as gently as possible. He struggles to open his deep blue eyes as the light from the chandelier blinds him. Once his eyes became accustomed to the shine, he glances around his extravagant bedroom. 

Pristine white walls and tiled floors accented by gold and red; the royal colors of Auroya. A bed fit for a king covered with glorious sheets of cream colored satin. An ebony desk meant for his studies and double doors leading to a marble balcony overlooking his future kingdom.

Prince Phillip Marcellius Edevane, first born and next in line to the throne. With jet black hair imitating the darkness of twilight, a defined figure which towers over the average height and visuals lacking in emotion. His whole presence demands everyone's attention and his posture fitting for his title. 

If looks could kill, he would be deemed a serial killer. However, even with a whole nation worshipping the royal family, no one has been a witness to their soon-to-be ruler. Only those allowed within the castle walls can confirm his rumored glory.

"Morning to you as well Miss Annabelle, has my breakfast been prepared?" Phillip asked while he straightened his posture and laid his folded hands on his lap. 

"Yes Your Highness, however, his majesty requests that you accompany them for breakfast this morning."

"Oh...How lovely..." he muttered under his breath, sarcasm written in each letter.

"Shall I inform them of your absence?" clearly ignorant to his reluctance.

"No, it is fine. Please inform the king that I shall give him my company in a bit. I only need but a minute to be presentable."

Miss Annabelle then silently exits the bedroom, giving Phillip time to prepare his meeting with his father. Both mentally and physically. He never had a stable or healthy relationship with his father if it can even be considered one to begin with. 

His father treats him as an acquaintance who just so happens to inherit part of his genes. Never showing the affection and love fathers normally showcase for their children. His subjects are his first priority, always has been and always will be. 

His mother is of no assistance either. Always smiling and nodding to the king and only speaks when spoken to. Though, when she finds it necessary, she will speak up on every detail she could scrutinize Phillip with. A kind word is never genuine with a woman of her demeanor. 

He opens his grand wardrobe and dresses into his normal attire, a ravishing red and white suit which highlights his muscular figure without discomfort. Paired off with black dress shoes and a slight ruffling of the hair to finish it off. He reluctantly set off to the dining hall immediately regretting waking up this morning. Or ever. 

Walking down the endless hallways, maids pause their tasks to bow before him while he is lost in thought considering every possibility in the world as to why his father wants to see him. Has he done something to displease him in anyway? 

"Are you okay, your highness?" a deep voice questioned, walking casually towards Phillip.

"Hastings, did I not say to call me by my name? Hearing you call me that is, quite frankly, unnerving to say the least." he shook his head with playful disapproval.

Ambrose Hastings, The head royal guard and the prince's closest friend. Contrary to the assumptions of what a guard is; Stoic and brutish. Hastings is a lovable man who aims to please the masses. He is what one would call, a ladies man. Though, he is not opposed to those of the same sex. 

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