Chapter 19 | Evidence

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With much impatience and urgency, Hastings rode on Wisp in a sprint towards the palace ground. The letter, secured in his front coat pocket. His pulse was racing sporadically from the adrenaline.

Everything around him was a blur until he reached the front gates. Without uttering a word, The guards allowed entry of their commander and bowed in respect at his direction as he sped past them. Questions they dare not ask swarmed their minds.

A few moments passed by and Ambrose was heel-and-toeing through the dark corridors, heading towards the dimly lit kitchen they now designated as a meeting area.

He opened the door with such force.

"By the heavens above! Iris! Knock first at least!"

Cecily was sitting at the counter with her hand over her now startled heart with a half eaten vanilla cake in front of her.

"Apologize your stubbornness, but I have come with a letter of confidential information regarding the queen."

""Then please pass it to me." she held her hand out.

"My, do they teach the royals nothing in the subject of mannerism?" he taunted.

"Oh dear Ambrose, would you be a dear and allow a lowly woman such as myself to read through the letter you have brought?" She played along.

"Better, and yes," he chuckled, "You may, your highness."

He slid the letter across the counter towards the princess and sat down as she opened the folder paper and brought it close to her face to thoroughly absorb all the information written down.

While reading, her face became distorted with disgust and unsettlement. Feeling the tug on her taut heartstrings from the traumatic events recorded. Her pity and remorse for the unknown child whom this letter was addressed to and whom Phillip is infatuated with.

"Ambrose darling, this is just... atrocious." Those were the only words she dared utter at that moment. Still processing the content of it.

"It is, I had the same reaction that you are experiencing right now. However, think about it, this may be a ticket to eradicate this arranged marriage between you and Phillip." He lifted his hands above the table to emphasize the point he is making. 

"Since it was requested by the Queen herself, we can reveal her true colors to everyone, then her word holds no substance." Hastings tried to reason.

Cecily thought about his plan for a moment. The letter clearly exposes the queen of her wicked and cruel behaviors, however, this still was an event from long ago with nothing to consider as evidence other than this. Perhaps Lorelei could testify as a witness but Cecily didn't want to risk the queen knowing of her existence and attempt something before. Who knows what she is capable of now that she has access to many luxuries.

However, despite all of the possibilities that may become obstacles along the way. Cecily and Hastings couldn't deny the fact that they would slightly enjoy the queen being exposed as a liar and a murderer.

"And what if she denies all the allegations?"

"Then we must hope that they will be able to see through her facade."

She grabbed a large cut of the cake she had been eating and ate it absentmindedly. Visualizing how this were to occur and what the results could be, or the worst case scenarios that may appear.

"How would we tell Phillip of this? He is her son after all. This type of information could ruin his relationship with the wretched woman and as much as I would love to see her beg on her wrinkled knees, this will affect him greatly too."

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