Chapter 8 | Cheesecake

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Days went by in an orderly manner. Lorelei continued doing her daily house chores or just enjoying her novels with tea by her side. She also busied her time with drying some of the lavender buds to create her lavender oil while the other portion is used as decoration, scattered around the house.

Phillip went day by day in her personal study reading textbooks on history or royal protocol and dealing with his mother's endless nagging on her ideal daughter in law with a constant reminder of her disappointment.

Meanwhile, everyone went back to their daily routines, the seasons did not. The temperature drastically started to drop. Leaves started to fall off their branches and the fauna in the woods were preparing to hibernate.

With the noticeable development with the seasons, Lorelei added the necessary chores to prepare for a comfortable winter. Her old winter coat was nearly in shambles and was beyond repair. Firewood was a must as well so that she would not freeze to death during her sleep. She could gather wood herself but considering the last time it was attempted. Let's just say it should not be attempted ever again. Poor tree.

Lorelei woke during the late morning and prepared to shop at the town square. She was still wary of going back since the last trip was not preferable so she hid a small iron dagger with an emerald gemstone at the hilt. Just in case.

Dressing for the trip, she slipped on a petticoat then put her arms through a long sleeved white tunic, stepped into a long and heavy beige shirt and tightened the matching beige bodice around her torso. She decided to keep it simple and braided two small braids on both sides of her face and tied them together in the back. Leaving the small strains of her in front of her face alone.

Ditching her usual flats, she chose her warm leather boots and strapped her satchel across her chest, filled with her basic necessities for the day trip and her dagger. Of course she couldn't forget her present for Miss Aveen! She opened the cold larder and grabbed the box wrapped in a lilac colored cloth. Then finally, she threw her cloak over her shoulders and fastened the front pin. Her cloak is thick but not warm enough for the winter.


The sun was at the center of the sky when she arrived at the town gates. The sounds of people conversing could be heard from every corner. The townsfolk started to dress more appropriately for the winter time. The men wore their thick long coats and hats while the women showed off their latest couture with their long coats outlined with soft fur and muffs.

Lorelei pulled the hood to cover her face fully and set off towards the shops. Each store had a different aesthetic to them. The clothing shops felt very glamorous and flashy, the food shops had more of a cabin feel to them, The fragrance stores had a whimsical and eccentric look and the blacksmiths and lumber stores were basically pure cobblestone.

Since the clothing shop was the closest to her, that would be her first stop. The door triggered a small bell to ring once she stepped in.

"Welcome to Sybil's Boutique." Greeted a small, frail girl who looked to be in her teen years.

Lorelei just gave her a slight nod and started to look in areas that were not occupied by the gossip girls. From her knowledge, the less they know of her existence, the better. She's heard of their ruthless behavior but never wanted to find out herself.

"Did you see that young man on the beautiful horse?" said a blonde and curvy woman.

"Who hasn't? He's caught the eyes of every single lady in town. I understand why though. Those blue eyes could cause me to faint!" a tall lady with slick black hair gestured her hand in a fainting manner.

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