Chapter 5 | Suspicion

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Enchanting sounds of the swallows singing to one another surrounds the landscape, the leaves and blossoms dance with the breeze. The Earth's star again blesses the land with it's light, Giving life to the endless greenery. A faint hum can be heard from our dear Lorelei. She beams at the swallow's songs as she picks ripened strawberries from the bushes.

A weaved basket is supported by her hip as she meticulously inspects suitable strawberries. Lorelei twists each of the strawberries off the branch one by one, feeling at ease with this otherwise boresome chore. Once the basket is nearly filled to the brim, she wipes her hand on her white apron and heads inside.

She strolls into her kitchen and sets down the basket of strawberries onto the counter. After some deliberation, she decides to treat herself and make some crepes for breakfast. She grabs a banana from her steel fruit stand, washes some of the strawberries she just harvested and got her homemade whipped cream from her cold larder.

Pouring out the runny crepe batter onto her cast iron pan over the heat, Lorelei spreads it out into a thin layer and waits for the batter to become golden. After she sets her crepes laid out on the plate, she cuts up her strawberries and bananas and preps it on the crepe.

As she pulls out her dining chair, she lets out a sigh. She relaxes while she eats her crepes and looks around her to see if there is anything in need of tending to or just simply something to do. She spots her basket of strawberries with a cloth on top and arises with an idea.

"Oh! With all those extra strawberries, I'm sure Madame Aveen would appreciate a homemade pie." She clasps her hands together, giddy with excitement.


"Phillips, my man. What has got you so down in the dumps?"

Hastings was leaning against the grand doorway with his arms tightly crossed as he spotted his buddy staring at the same page he was reading for the past half hour. Concern and astoundment etched on Hastings' face as this is an image he never thought he would see from Phillip. His friend is known for his aloof behavior.

If someone were asked to guess who was the prince's best friend, the last choice would be Hastings, the head royal guard. But like the saying goes, opposites attract. And that describes their relationship flawlessly. Hastings was an amiable man with a heart of gold and was an open book when appropriate. Phillip was the contrast to everything that described Hastings.

"Ambrose, I don't even know anymore. I can not focus without her seeping into my mind." He brushed his hair coarsely out his face.

The seriousness was evident when Phillip said his first name. The only times his first name was uttered was when something was amiss. And for...obvious reasons, Phillip was just that.

"Was she really that awe-inspiring to catch this much attention for our very own Prince of Auroya?" aiming for a more light approach with this case.

"I can't even find the words to describe how...compelling she truly was."

"But do you even know her name? How can you wish to meet her again if the only information you have is her appearance which, need I remind you, nobody has seen before."

Phillip groaned, "Don't remind me, how is it possible for someone as fascinating as her to go by the town center unnoticed?"

"Didn't you say that she wore a long cloak? She probably wears that every time she is out and about."

"No doubt but why?" His fist was placed under his chin as his brows furrowed.

"Honestly, your guess is as good as mine." Ambrose placed a firm hand on his shoulder to comfort his distraught friend.

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