Chapter 14

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My eyes dart around the huge dining room as Vincent and I sit in silence as we wait for Amariah and her father to arrive for dinner to be served .

It's so awkward and quiet . I'm not quite used to it seeing as I've had Vincent in my ear every second .

I kind of miss it .

"How are you so calm right now?" Vincent bangs the glass table with his fist in frustration, causing me to flinch away from him.

I clear my throat and force myself to look him in the eye without showing any sign of  fear. "It's just dinner with Amariah and her father. What could go wrong?" I shrug and smoothen out the creases in my trousers.

"What could go wrong ? "He asks through gritted teeth  "What could go wrong ?"he laughs and leans back in his chair and shakes his head . "The man has the power to kill you if-"

"But so do you."I interrupt , cutting him off and leaving him in shock.

Does he not understand that either way , with Amariah's father here or not , I'm in danger and could die at any moment I'm with him ?

Vincent's eyes stay on me as his brows pull together. "That is correct . What do I have to worry about since you're so worthless that it doesn't matter if this man kills you? "He shrugs and looks away from me and begins tapping the table while his leg bounces up and down.

"Dont act like you care about me when just the other day you almost choked me to death!" I spit and fold my arms over my chest in anger as I glare at him , picturing his pretty little head exploding into pieces.

Our fight is interrupted by the sound of Amariahs heels clacking against the marble floors .

They're here.

My gaze fixates on the doorway as I watch Amariah walk in , an elderly man walking behind her with a wooden cane in his hand with a snake carved out of the hickory of the handle with a golden collar wrapping around the stick .

That's the dangerous man they're so worked up about ? He looks like such a sweetheart .

His stature is small and frail as his legs shake as he walks .  His hair is thin and grey with a reddish tint  while his navy blue suit is loose and hangs off his tiny frame.

Vincent stands up and bows his head in respect . "Good evening sir ."he greets .

I quickly stand up and follow Vincent's lead . "Good evening." I greet. 

"Vincent , my boy . Take a seat."the old man laughs as he pulls out the chair on the opposite end  of the table . He grips the edge of the table as he slowly and painfully sits down .

He seems to be ill. The poor man.

Amariah struts over to our end and takes a seat next to Vincent across from me . She sends Vincent a wink before glaring at me and clearing her throat . "Daddy ,tonight Vincent brought his apprentice to dine with us . This is -"

"Let the girl speak for herself Amariah."the old man interrupts and sends me a soft smile . "Go ahead my dear."

My eyes widen and I look over at Vincent for help but he just stares down st the table in front of him. I clear my throat and smile back at the man . "My name is Lorain . It's really nice to meet you..."I trail off awkwardly , not knowing how to address him .

"Call me Quinten darling ."he chuckles and looks behind him as the servers walk in ,in single file . They all carry silver plates with glasses in the other hand . The last man walks in holding a bottle of red wine to be poured with our dinner .

"Its about time. "Amariah hisses as her plate is set in front of her .

I hold back the urge to put her in her place for being so disrespectful as I smile up at the woman who gently sets my plate of food in front of me .

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