Chapter 32

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(please read the author's note at the end . It's quite important.)

My nails dig into my skin , snapping and cutting at the scabs of my wounds as I wait impatiently for Alaki to speak . His eyes bare into mine as his plump lips pull to the side in a half-hearted grin .

"So I've been told that you're planning on putting that mutt down."he announces .

Where did he find this out? Quinten? I didnt know they were close enough to gossip about my wrongful agreements.

"Where did you hear that?"I ask loudly in defensiveness .
My reaction makes Alaki chuckle as he pushes off the wall and makes his way next to me where he leans his arm next to my head as he rests all his weight on it .

"Quinten has a big mouth when it comes to Vincent. "he grins "Now is that true ?"

My heart rate picks up as I begin panicking about my answer. Initially I had agreed to ...killing ...Vincent because I had despised him at the time . It was before I fell in love with him . Now everyone is relying on me to end the life of my boyfriend and I dont think they'll let me go back on my word .

"I dont know ...why everyone is relying on me to do it ."I chuckle nervously and push some of my hair behind my ear . "How come no one else can do it?"I ask , diverting his attention to my questions instead of his own .

"Because it's not fun if it's just anyone ."Alaki whines and opens his lighter in boredom while gazing down at the flame again . "He trusts you . There's nothing better than knowing he was put down by his very own love . It's satisfying to think that he'll get what he deserves. "Alaki grins and shuts the lighter closed before looking back at me with a serious expression .
"It's very important that you do it Lorain . Vincent is a horrible man who brings everyone around him nothing but misery and pain . "

I know .

I stay quiet as Alaki purses his lips , a pained expression makes its way onto his face. "He killed my sister you know ."he starts and let's out a long breath as he fixes his suit in discomfort.

"What?"I ask in shock .

"Yup . She was one of the poor women who fell for his ghastly charms . So he killed her . "He explains softly . His eyes tear up as he holds the lighter in a tight grip ."It's why I hate him so much . She was the only person who loved me . The only person who could actually stand me . Then he took her from me and left me alone . "Alaki pauses and turns to look away from me , hiding his face as tears drip down his sharp cheekbones . "Thst fucking bastard ruined me . "He hisses angrily through the tears as he furiously wipes them away.

It pains me to now that the man I love hurt Alaki so much . A man who I viewed as a demon just moments ago , weeps in front of me in mourning for his lost sister who died at the hands of my boyfriend. How many others has Vincent hurt like this ? Will he do it again ?

"Alaki ..."I whisper and rest my hand on his shoulder to show a simple sign of comfort . I find myself torn between two final decisions : killing Vincent and giving those hurt people out there some resolve and leaving me pained and broken dorm being the one to take my own lover's life , or letting him live and be hated by everyone , allowing for Vincent to do more wrong .

I've thought about it many times . However I've never had to actually choose between killing him or not .

"That's why you have to do it Lorain ."he exclaims and grips my hand in desperation . His teary eyes look into mine with a look of burning pain . "He's hurt so many people . He will continue to hurt others , you being one of them"

Alaki raises an eyebrow at my discomfort at the topic of being hurt by Vincent . "There's no way you haven't been hurt by him or at least torn apart like the rest of us . "He chuckles bitterly.
"Am I right?"

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