Chapter 29

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Steam radiates off the boiling water consuming my body . Its warmth bites and kisses my soft skin as a cold finger glides across my damp shoulders , slowing down over each bump of a wound left mere moments ago . The healing skin itches and burns from the painful touch of the bathwater .

Vincent rests his arms along the rim of the bath as his legs lay tucked together on the floor. He rests his cheek on his arm in boredom as his fingertips glide along the exposed wet skin I allow to peak from the water's surface . Bubbles pop and seeth on top of the water, shielding me from the perverted gaze of the man in front of me.

"You truly are a remarkable piece of art ." He sighs and puts an end to his affectionate touch by grazing the surface of the bathwater with his fingers , bubbles clutching onto his skin .

His words scrape against my brain , knocking to get in but I've grown tired of those words. It's all he can ever say to me . "Is that all you see me as ?"I raise an eyebrow with a grin stretched across my face. " Something only worth being displayed?"

"Oh you're more than that my Love ."he chuckles and pulls his hand out the water and pulls his gaze from me . "Have you ever felt so content with your life that you thought nothing could make it better ? Like you never needed anything else ?"he questions as his beautiful eyes fall on mine .

"I think so ..."I hum as I try and remember a time where things were so perfect . I don't think I've ever experienced such a thing but I'll pretend that I have . Don't want to ruin his moment.

"And then you find something , something so small and unimportant but it makes you so happy ? You obsess over it until it becomes a comfort for you . Like a teddy bear you always sleep with , or a keyring that you can't help but play with in moments of boredom. "He continues as his hand dives into the water and grabs mine in a tough grip before pulling our intertwined fingers out of the water and resting it on the side of the bathtub.

"I think I understand what you're trying to say "I mumble , allowing him to continue.

"Well that's what you are for me. My life was fine before you. But when I found you, you became a sort if comfort for me. Without even realizing it , I've gotten so used to you being there that if you left, I wouldn't know what I'd do . What would I sleep with if not you ?"he winks and runs my wet thumb with his .

A smile forms on my face as I stare into Vincent's glowing eyes . He's being so honest and open with me right now . I never knew he could be this vulnerable around someone . To know that he relies so much on me being there , I can't help but fall even harder for him.

"I like that better than a decoration."I joke and let go of his hand to reach for the soap .

"What would you say I am to you?"he asks as his eyes follow my every move .

"To me're like that one thing you always dreamed of having. Something that you always wanted but knew you could never have . And then when you finally have it, you can't believe it . "I pause and begin washing my arms and lathering them with the sweet smell of soap . "I still can't believe that you care so much for me. Its hard to believe that someone so handsome-" Vincent grins and nods "- and charming would be with me. "

"That's hard to believe. "Vincent rolls his eyes and runs his hand down my arm , spreading the soap and watching it gather around the cuts , leaving white lines down my arm.

"Why?"I laugh

"You were so confident when you spoke to me . You acted all high and mighty and ignored me like I was nothing . You knew how to seduce me"he glares playfully.

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