Chapter 31

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"You'll be fine my love ."Vincent assures as he fixes his red tie while gazing into the full length mirror on the wall .

"But what if he chooses to take me to the police? "I stress as I tear a piece of nail off my thumb "I dont want to go to prison ."I mumble and smoothen out my formal black dress that is cut off by the ankles. 

Vincent turns to look at me with a small smile on his face before shaking his head . "You won't.  I promise ."he swears as he walks towards me .
"Alaki knows how idiotic that would be ."he frowns while caressing my cheek in his hand . He smiles softly as his beautiful eyes meet mine ." You're so adorable when you're scared ."

Vincent's loving expression makes me feel guilty for everything I said to Amariah . He's being so sweet  while I was trashing him just a few hours ago.  How could I be so cruel ?

A knock on the door breaks our moment and Vincent pulls his hand back before stuffing it into his blazer pocket . "What is it?"he snaps unexpectedly,  making me jump in fright .

The door opens and reveals Amariah who has changed into a tight-fit white dress with a fuzzy coat wrapped around her thin frame . "Everyone is waiting for the infamous couple .Better hurry ."she smirks,  avoiding my eyes as she pushes the door fully open .

"Come darling ,"Vincent beckons as he makes his way towards the door "the assholes await us ."

Amariah's eyes snap to mine when I get up from the bed and quickly snap back to Vincent who has already left the room. "You look hideously captivating Lorain . "She glares as I walk past her with a smile .

"And you look as fearsomely attractive as ever Missus Fantomhive. "I shoot back before following Vincent down the hall with Amariah next to me.

It feels nice to have someone other than Vincent by my side for once . It makes me feel normal again . I must just be careful in case Vincent kills this friend too...

"Since when are you two so friendly ?"Vincent asks as he glances back at us .

"When you skipped my meeting with you . We bonded over our passion for books ."Amariah hissed before folding her arms over her chest ." Why? Is that a problem ?"

"No."Vincent shrugs before snatching my hand and pulling me forward to keep up with him . "But just remember that she's mine Amariah . I would hate to eliminate the threat."he warns . The air is tense and fear creeps its way up my spine as I worry for Amariah's safety .

We make it to Quinten's study where Alaki waits.  My heart beats rapidly and I find myself sweating at the thought of what could occur from this point on .

"Dont fuck up Vincent. "Amariah whispers with her hand on the door handle . "I just started liking her ."and with that she pushes the door open and steps inside . I glance up at Vincent who doesn't bother to look at me and let's go of my hand before following behind Amariah. 
It takes me a second to force myself to enter , the urge to run away just barely ignored .

My eyes take in the room and find two leather couches facing each other.  Quinten and Alaki sit on one whilst Vincent drops onto the opposite one . Amariah stand by her father's side without any hint of expression or emotion on her face as Alaki grins at a fuming Vincent .

"Come , sit my girl. "Quinten calls and motions to the spot next to Vincent .

Without a word I do as I'm told and rush to sit at Vincent's side . Alaki's eyes snap to me before raising an eyebrow.

"Lorain !"he exclaims "it's good to see you again . How have you been?"he intimidates .

"Not good because of you."I glare in disgust of the man across from me. He doesn't even bother to act as if he is grieving the loss of his fiance . Does he even care ?

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