Chapter 3: What a warm meeting

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The girl was just about to scream when Reiner and Bertolt took her hair and pulled her in the room. Annie held her down and with her hand on her neck

"Make a sound and I'll choke you to death!" Said Annie tightening her grip on the girl's neck

"Annie!" Said Armin with a voice that sounded like a shout and a loud whisper "Isn't this going a little too far"

"Yeah! We don't even know who she is!" Said Eren with a terrified voice

Annie looked at Eren then Armin then let go of the girl's neck. The girl looked at them with her green eyes ready to kill

"MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!!" Said the girl with an angered look

"Sheesh calm down stubborn  brat!" Said Mikasa while pulling her hair to face her face "We're not going to hurt you unless you hurt us"

"WHO ARE YOU!" Said the girl, trying to set herself free "WHY ARE YOU HERE!"

"Shh! You'll wake the others up!" Said Eren with a cautious look. But it was too late, Captain Levi and Section Commander Hange woke up fom their nap

"Huh? Levi?" Said Hange looking at Levi "What's going on- OH MY GOSH!" She screamed when she saw Mikasa holding the girl

"Oi! Eren simp, put that girl down" said Levi pointing at Mikasa with puffy eyes

Mikasa looked at Captain Levi then let the girl go. Hange slowly approached the girl, scared of being attacked by her and asked if she needed to get her wounds treated

"No need, I'm a medic" said the girl touching her bruises who were made by Bertolt and Reiner "I can treat them myself" while looking at the hair Mikasa pulled out

"Anyways, who are you?" Asked Eren as he watched the girl untie her hair. She looked at him then said

"I'm Eve, wait no- I'm Ymir" said the girl

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