Chapter 29: After 2,000 years

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After they ate their snack, Seth walked them towards the castle (idk why they don't use carriages  but shove off). They walked along the corridors and down the stairs to the basement

"Where are we going?" Asked Annie looking around

"To King Eren" said Seth simply

"Ok that's a very specific answer" said Jean rolling his eyes

The others finally reached the door that leads to the basement. Suspense and goosebumps were the only things Eren can feel, but when he saw his future self everything went relaxing for him

"Alright, this is where I leave you guys! I hope I see you guys again" said Seth while waving at them and leaving the room

"Now that were alone, I'll explain things to you" said the future Eren walking to the table "Now this is a time machine" as he pointed at the small gadget

"Hold on this thing sucked all of us here?" Asked Ymir

"Well technically yes, but it can't be activated without an object" explained the future Eren

"Soooo is that why Eren said he saw a white flower?" Asked Levi looking curiously at the King

"Yes exactly! But it seems like Eren was the target but somehow sucked all of you here" said Eren chuckling a liitle "Now we just wait for Captain Hange and Armin, so they can try to fix this machine" as he picked up the machine and put it on the counter

There was silence in the room until Eren felt brave to ask a question

"Excuse me" he said catching his future self's attention

Future Eren looked at him, signaling that he was listening

"What really happened......before"

Future Eren just looked at him the sat down on a stool

"Fine....I don't see why we have to hide this from you" as he took a deep breathe "But Eren, you have to promise me something, you will not feel disappointed in yourself"

Eren looked at him then nodded

"It started when we found out about Marley, a town outside the walls and the hometown of the Female, Armored and the Collosal Titans, which are Annie Leonhart, Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover. I decided that I wanted a good life for the Eldians so I planned to destroy the world except for Eldia, it wasn't a success actually.....Mikasa killed me at the end"

There were a lot of gasps from the past people

"But after that was finished I was finally set free, and so was Eldia......but one specific day, there was a huge ball of light and I woke up from my deep sleep in the field where me and Mikasa always collected wood, but It wasn't just Mikasa there.....everyone was there, the old Squad Levi, the 104th cadet corps, everyone. But in a far away view was a girl that i suspected to be Founder Ymir"

He looked at the past people, then continued

"She revived our world into a new world, where happiness exists in this dangerous world of titans, and one day she told me, that she can revive my old teamates but not the ones that got eaten by titans, that's why Mom, Dad, Dina, Bertolt and Ymir isn't here, she did try to, but shame it only worked on Marco, Falco, Mike, Nanaba and Porco.....and that's the end of the story" he said happily

There was silence once again

"But when did that happen?" Asked Sasha looking curious

Eren smiled at her then said

"2,000 years ago"

(I just thought the picture looked really cute❤❤❤)

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