Chapter 30: Their last day

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Future Hange and Armin arrived after several minutes, Future Hange tried to fix the time machine and suprisingly it worked. Future Eren said that they will have to stay for another night because its getting really dark and cold, so Future Eren called Sawney and Lisa to pick them up from the castle

Lisa and Sawney arrived at exactly 5:00 pm

"I'll pick you up tomorrow" said the Future Eren waving at them

"Hold on!" Said Eren alerting his future self "The the fairytale....who killed people for"

The Future Eren just smiled at him then nodded

"Alrighty! Last day here huh?" Said Sawney while they were walking out of the castle

"Yeah....there's a lot of memories here, even though it only been 3 weeks" answered Eren looking at Sawney

"Well aren't you going to see this soon?" Said Lisa with her stern voice

"Yeah's more fun spending time with your children who's the same age as you" said Connie smiling

"I guess that makes sense" said Lisa shrugging

"Come on Lisa! Can you atleast enjoy for once?" Said Sawney

"Why would I?" Asked Lisa looking at Sawney

"Because you never enjoy!" Said Sawney looking back at Lisa

Lisa just rolled her eyes then looked away (Ms. Ackerman has an attitude)

They arrived at the cottage just in time for dinner, Lisa and Sawney bid their goodbyes then left them at the doorstep. Hange did the honers to knock at the door and out came Eve

"Oh! You guys are back!" She said happily

"Hold on, you've been waiting here? All this time?" Asked Jean in disbelief

"Haha, of course we have" as she opened the door wider "Come on in! Dinner will start at exactly 6:00"

The past people went inside and Eren truly was happy that Eve was his daughter. At exactly 5:30  a knock on the door distrupted their talking

"I'll get it!" Said Mite running towards the door "Kris?!?"

Outside the door was the whole Squad Levi, in their coats because it was freezing outside

"Hey there bud!" Said Kris smiling

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Cain looking at his sister

"Since the past people are leaving tomorrow" said Mai smiling as well "We decided- "

"To give a proper goodbye" said Shavvy cutting into Mai's words (P.S Mai got really annoyed, hehe MiNi JeAn)

"Also we have some news!!" Said Vina looking really excited

"What is it?" Asked Reiner looking curiously at Vina

"Well, it's just that Me, Kris and Galliard-san were identified as titan shifters" said Alex almost akwardly "I'm the Collosal, Kris is the Beast and Galliard-san is the Cart"

The rest of the night was really fun, it was honestly the best night Eren had, the kids left at 8:00 pm when Seth said it was past Captain Levi's curfew, so they bid their goodbyes and promised to be there for tomorrow.....

(Hey there ya'll!! The last chapter would be posted today! Thank you to all the people who gave their time to read my story!! I promise I'll post more in the future


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