School System (Please read)

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So their school in AOTNG is a kind of training for 10-14 year olds and graduate at the age of 15 or 16 (depending on your skills). The three branches are still the same (Survey Corps, Military Police and Garisons) but there are something called courses that are for the cadets in school

The school system are for every cadets but mostly for the people in Wall Sina or the noble families. The royal children or what they call Oritsu (Royal in Japanese) are also known as the noble families, the noble families are the Arlerts, Kirsteins and Springers. The children whose parents are important in the Military are supposed to be in school too, the last names that are important in the military are Ackermans, Smiths, Berners (Moblit's last name) Galliards, Jaegers and many more

The highest course and the hardest to achieve is the course for Soldiers, they are the ones who fight the titans and protect the people, the second one is Medication (which is Eve's course if you remeber) they are the ones who heals if someone gets injured in battle and finally the suppliers are the people who will supply gas and blades.

The uniform used in their school is the old cadet uniform (season 1-3) and the cadet uniform the soldiers use are the season 4 ones

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