We Get Stalked

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Hey Peoples!

I realized we needed a bit of action, so... here you go.

Enjoy :)

(And I don't own any of this)

Nico POV

Nico looked at the Thestrals in wonder. He'd seen them before in the underworld, they helped deliver messages between Hades and Thanatos, but he never thought they went above-ground. And that they would be pulling wizard carriages. 

However, what was even more interesting  - although, in retrospect, predictable - was that Harry could see them. He could see The Horses of Death, or τα άλογα του θανάτου as they were called in the underworld. Who had Harry seen die? Nico knew that he was there when Dumbledore and Snape died, but that hadn't happened yet. Hadn't he seen his parents die? Maybe that was it.

(Do Nico and Will know about Cedric? I honestly can't remember what I wrote)

Nico shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. It wasn't his business. Well, technically it sort of was, as a child of Hades, but he wasn't going to delve into Harry's life to see why he sees the Thestrals. Death is a personal thing, and a personal experience and Nico wasn't going to overstep any boundaries. Not when he and Will would need all the help they could get to get home. They would - if Nico's suspicions about the prophecy were correct - need Harry, Ron, and Hermione's help.

Nico had been pacing his room the night before they left for Hogwarts, Will already sleeping. He paced, and paced, and paced some more, trying to make more sense of the prophecy. Now, Nico knew that it was dangerous to try and understand prophecies, but Nico couldn't bring himself to care. He wanted to get back... home. To camp. The place where he finally felt like he belonged after years of searching.

*Flashback brought to you by the time stone*

He had been pacing for an hour - although it could have been five minutes for all Nico knew - when the Ginger Twins (as Nico called them) had knocked on the door. Nico had gone over and opened it, giving them a questioning glance. They just smiled mischievously.

"Want a sweet, mate? We made them ourselves." Nico glared at them.

"And what would happen if I did eat it? Boils? Green hair? Will I start talking in rhymes? No thanks."

The twins shrugged helplessly like they couldn't control their mischief-making.

"Alright mate, your loss." 

"Yeah, we'll go ask the Golden Trio. See you later, Nico."

And that's when Nico had paused. He could almost hear his thoughts go to a screeching halt. Golden Trio? Obviously, that would be Harry and his friends, but Golden Trio sounded a lot like Griffin Trio, from the prophecy. But what would Griffins have to do with them?

*End flashback*

A tap on his shoulder jolted him back to reality, and he quickly grabbed the hilt of his sword and whirled around, ready for a fight.

"Sorry mate, didn't mean to startle you. Just... Erm, the carriages are about to leave." Ron told him nervously. Nico nodded and hopped into the carriage, sitting on the wooden seat between Will and the edge. The seat with the least amount of human contact possible.

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