Arguing in the Dungeons

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Still don't own any of the stuff I don't own. 

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D 

I missed you all! I'm not gonna do a long A/N, but I gotta say sorry for being gone for a bit, and enjoy the chapter!

Harry POV

Nico was not a morning person. That much Harry had found out pretty easily, as said person proceeded to glare at anyone who so much as looked his way. Although, Harry thought, Nico tended to do that no matter what the time was.

Harry walked through the hallways alongside Ron and Hermione, feeling a sort of dread settle in his stomach as they talked about the school year. Harry really did love Hogwarts, but everything from Nico and Will arriving, to whatever the Order was doing, to how Dumbledore was avoiding him, and now whatever it was that Umbridge was here for, it made him tense. Given his luck, something was going to happen this year just like every other at the school, and Harry was not excited. Maybe Nico would stab a bunch of Death Eaters for him and save them all the trouble.

"Are you alright Harry?" Hermione asked, startling Harry out of his thoughts.

"Fine, I'm fine. Are you alright Hermione?" Harry said, trying to get the subject away from him. Hermione regarded him for a moment like she knew what he was doing before nodding.

"I'm worried about Umbridge, mostly. She kept glancing at us, and not exactly in a friendly way either. The thing is," Hermione slowed so that Will and Nico could hear her as well, then continued in a whisper, "I'm not sure if it's you she doesn't like, or Nico and Will." Harry made eye contact with a frowning Ron.

"With our luck, probably all three of you. Do you think she knows about Nico and Will?"

"About the time-travelling you mean?" Hermione clarified, "I believe she knows. Whenever Hogwarts gets a new student it has to be reported to the Ministry. In cases of transfer students - which hasn't happened often, if ever - the headmaster is obligated to tell the Ministry all information on them for security reasons. Umbridge has a high standing in the ministry, and because she was posted here at the school, there's a good chance that she was told everything. You two will have to be careful. If it gets out that you are from the future... well, let's just say it may not end well for both of you, especially if the Death Eaters find out."

Nico cursed in some odd language and kicked a wall, while Will stared at them worriedly.

"Nico and I need to get home," Will said after Nico stopped assaulting the wall, "I was thinking over the prophecy last night, and it sounds like a recipe to something. You guys have potions class here right? I overheard someone talking about it."

"We do, but Snape's a prickly one mate, he won't want to help you," Ron answered as they rounded a corner. Hermione then perked up.

"We could always look in the library, they have loads of old potions books. We can write down the prophecy and try to find potions with similar ingredients and instructions." Hermione said, eyes lighting up as they always did when she talked about work. 

Will smiled brightly and nodded, nudging Nico to do the same.

"That would be great. Maybe we could go during lunch or something?" He asked, and Hermione smiled right back, clearly excited to have someone interested in the library.

"Of course! Ron, Harry, will you come as well? We could use your help." Harry was going to say no, but Hermione gave him a look that clearly said that he had no choice in the matter.

Ron gulped and nodded, prodding Harry to do the same.

"Count us in," Harry said weakly.

~ Time Skip of Breakfast ~

Harry shivered as they descended into the dungeons for their first class of the year which, of course, had to be potions. Breakfast was terrible, with whispers following him no matter where he went, and waiting for class to start in the cold dungeons was no different, the Slytherins whispering snide comments at Harry's expense. Looking back on it, however, Harry was sure that they made sure they were loud enough for their voices to carry in the cramped hallway, obviously trying to get a rise out of him. Harry just ignored them, turning to Nico and Will instead and asking more about their camp.

"It's a nice place, you know? We're all one big family." Will smiled, "I mean, there's still fights between some of us, or prank wars or whatever but at the end of the day, we care about each other."

Harry, Ron and Hermione glanced at the Slytherins, who were picking on a couple of other Gryffindors. Hermione sighed.

"We don't have a lot of team spirit in Hogwarts, that's for sure. Especially between our house and Slytherin, as you can tell. I wish we could all grow up and stop fighting, especially with You Know Who back, we need a united front." Hermione stated sadly, and Will put a hand on Nico's shoulder.

"Sometimes it takes horrible things to bring people together, Hermione. Our camp... we weren't always so close you know. It took-"

"Will," Nico interrupted, his voice cold and hard, and Harry's eyes flashed quickly to the sword hanging at Nico's belt, hoping he wouldn't pull it out and chop Will's head off.

"Right. Forget that. My point is, you're all young. You all still have the opportunity to be kids who have to be worried about house points or whatever, not like... dying gruesomely or being ripped to shreds by an evil-" 

"Will, can you shut up before you say something you shouldn't?" Nico hissed, and Will turned to him with a small grin.

"I wasn't gonna say anything."


And then they were arguing in Greek again, so Harry turned to Hermione and Ron, eyebrows raised. Something was off with those two, he was sure of it, but before he could say as much, the door to the potions classroom swung open, and out stepped Harry's least favourite teacher, Snape.


I really wanted to have Snape and Trelawney in this chapter, but I was just writing and then I was at like a thousand words and I was like oh whatever they'll be next chapter.

Sorry to make you wait! But I got a chapter out so pat on the back for me!

Hope this wasn't completely terrible lol

I'm just gonna keep writing so the next chapter should be soon :)

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