The Reunion

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It was around this time, when the brothers all came up to spend the weekend at the ranch.

A fishing trip was planned for Father's Day and they were all looking forward to it. This hadn't happened in years, them all being home together at the same time. The only thing that weighed on their mind a little was that their sister Beth wasn't there as well. She had made her apologies as usual being too wrapped up in her work. Already Rip was feeling very uncomfortable with the idea but couldn't put his finger on why. 

Jamie, Lee, and Samuel, all arrived over the course of the Friday afternoon. They had dinner together. It was loud, they spoke about the past and the future, politics, business, and even religion. They laughed and argued and joked, and sometime during dinner Jacob suggested they all should go out for a few drinks later. 

The old man was asked if he would mind which of course, he didn't. He was delighted to have his sons all together under his roof and hitting town like in the all days. He was just sorry that his only daughter hadn't been able to join them again. They all did, but otherwise were in great spirit. 

After dinner, they got themselves ready and went out, their father reminding them that one of them should stay sober enough to drive home, or alternatively they all should walk home if this proofed too difficult. Lee agreed to be the designated driver, assuring his father he would stay sober. Jacob laughed and told him that there was no way he would keep that promise.

Rip watched them drive off in the truck with the old familiar hot feeling in his belly. His uncle asked him to play a game of checker with him, but Rip declined, asking him if he could go off to bed and Mr Dutton told him he was excused.

Rip tried to sleep but couldn't. He was uneasy about the men drinking, about them coming home drunk. He wished he had found the courage to ask Robert to put the door back into their apartment separating his bedroom from their shared area.

He had gotten used to them having a few beers in the evening. The old man often drank a glass of whiskey or two before bed, but he had never seen them get drunk ever, a fact that he took solace from. Tonight, was going to be different and he could sense it. They had talked about getting hammered. The more he thought about it the more worried he got. He tossed and turned, he couldn't sleep and when he finally did, he was woken up shortly afterwards, it seemed by the men coming home.

He heard car doors slamming, laughter, and shouting. He heard them teasing Robert for being drunk and having gotten sick. He heard a splash and a roar. He heard Robert swear and he got scared.

He got out of bed and went onto the balcony, from where he could see Lee and Jacob helping Robert out of the cattle trough in front of the house. They were holding him upright in between them, walking him towards the house and barely managing it because they were laughing so hard. Their deep laughter resonated throughout the ranch. It was obvious that all three were very drunk. 

Fear overcame him and he wasn't prepared to take the risk, so he climbed down the trellis beside the house and stayed in the barn for the rest of the night. Sleeping very little.

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