Midnight Adventures

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"Father, take it easy," Robert told Mr Dutton in an almost threatening tone of voice, holding him back by the arm. Mr Dutton turned around full of rage, glaring into his son's eyes, who to his surprise matched his stare with the same intensity. "Who are you telling to take it easy, son!" he growled. But Robert stayed steadfast and neither gave him an answer, nor the satisfaction of breaking eye contact.

Eventually Mr Dutton did, turned and marched towards his grandson and nephew who were standing at the gate to the paddock in the middle of the night, looking scared, like two deer in headlights.

Only moments earlier when they closed the gate to the paddock, and their nervous tension was finally released, they had almost pissed themselves laughing. But this seemed odd now, as they were watching Mr Dutton and his son Robert carrying a rifle each march up to them.

"Fuck," Rip gasped.

"Relax, he got rid of the paddle didn't he?" his cousin told him.

"He's still wearing a belt, cuz!" Rip replied.

"Inside! Now!" the old man hissed through his clenched teeth and heaving with anger. The boys scarpered in the direction of the house, glad that Mr Dutton delayed and did not follow them right away.

It took Mr Dutton a good minute to figure out what the boys had been up to and why. When he did, he turned around to his son Robert who reflected his smile.

"I hope you go easy on him, you wanted him to be child, and that's a pretty darn childish thing to do!" Robert said grinning.

As they walked back to the house Robert told him that Jamie had rang earlier with news. "Wheeler didn't have a brother, but he had a mate staying with them for almost a year. They were old cellmates. Word is they were cooking crystal meth on their farm and that is why Rebecca came up to you to have him run of the land. Jamie gave me a name and a number for a contact," Robert told his father. "What you want me to do?"

"I'll think about it. I might get Frank and Ryan to look into this one on their own, Robert," he said. He had always asked far too much of Robert in the past.

"I'll take Ryan with me, father!" Robert said and walked into the house in front of him.

Stupid girl, why had she not come to him earlier, Mr Dutton thought.

Inside they found Taylor sitting on one of the couches in front of the fireplace waiting for them. "Where is Rip?" Mr Dutton asked. "Bathroom," Taylor answered.

Rip came out of the bathroom just as Robert walked into their little apartment, it was obvious he had been crying. He was as white as wall.

"You alright?" Robert asked.

"Just something I ate," Rip answered quietly bowing his head.

"Come on, I'll bring you down, let's get this over with," Robert said kindly, taking Rip by the elbow and leading him back downstairs to the living room.

"I'd rather stand," Rip answered defiantly, having recovered his fortitude somehow, when his uncle asked him to sit down on one of the couches. 

You little pup you, I can see what you are doing!  Mr Dutton thought as he recognised how Rip maintained their distance by standing up while he was sitting. He gave Robert a nod, who brought the boy over to where Taylor was sitting and made him sit down.

"Explain yourself boys," the old man demanded in a strict tone.

"It was just a bit of fun, Papa!" Taylor said right away, and his grandfather nodded accepting the boy's explanation.

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