Rodeo Night

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"Did you know about this?" Samuel asked his father with outrage in his voice, pointing at Jacob and Monica walking towards them holding hands.

"No, son I did not, but I can't say I hadn't suspected something like this. I knew he was hiding something from me for quite some time now," his father replied.

"I asked you to tell him. She is a colleague of mine," Samuel said angrily.

"Samuel, a very wise young man told me once 'you might be control freak but that doesn't mean you can control everything,' does that ring a bell at all?" Mr Dutton asked his son Samuel, who was now motioning to get out of his seat to walk towards the couple, but was held back by his boyfriend Sebastian who said, "Honey, I came here to watch my first Rodeo, please don't spoil this on me with one of those famous Dutton family dramas that you always talk about that have nothing ever to do with you!"

Samuel was indignant as Monica and his brother greeted everyone awkwardly and then sat themselves down beside Sebastian.

Samuel leant over Sebastian and hissed at his brother "what the fuck Jacob, you promised." But Jacob just smiled and whispered back, "Relax buddy, this one is different! I really like her!"

Samuel was heaving with anger. "Different! Jacob, I don't know how many girl friends I have lost because you broke their hearts! I work with Monica!" he whispered angrily.

"Ah buddy, they were never your girl friends, they always just used you to get close to me!" his brother said and laughed, which made Sebastian and Monica laugh out loud.

"It's not funny!" Samuel told Sebastian.

"Babe. For someone who can celebrate the most miniscule improvements in his students, with a bottle of expensive champagne, you are pretty hard on your own family," Sebastian said, "He might have changed, and anyway Monica is an adult and seems to enjoy herself. I bet he's worth the heartbreak," he said in an overly camp way winking at Jacob, which made everyone laugh out loud again but Samuel and his father.

To change the subject, Samuel asked his father about Rip. Mr Dutton told him that things were going rather well, since Taylor arrived, and he was hoping that Lee would leave him on the ranch for the rest of the summer.

"Where are they actually?" Samuel asked.

"Frank's taken them backstage", Mr Dutton said.

"Oh, they made up?" Samuel asked.

"I wouldn't go that far. Rip got his revenge more like it and Frank called it quits! Early days," and Mr Dutton told his son all about Rip's prank a few days ago.

"It took Robert and Frank ages to get the little mare back out of the paddock, she seemed to like the bull and wouldn't leave his side," Jacob budded in with a laugh.

"Talking of which, where is Robert tonight, father? It's not like him to miss this," Jacob asked leaning over Sebastian and Samuel.

"He has some business to take care off!" Mr Dutton said without looking at his sons and they both knew better than to ask any more questions in the company of others.

"You're Niall?" Robert asked.

"Maybe," the man on the bar stool answered, eyeing them up.

"A friend on the inside told me, you might be interested in doing some work for me," Robert said.

"What kind of work?" the man asked.

"The kind where a secluded cabin in the woods would be very handy to have, no outlays I take care of all that, the selling too, you get 30% of the profits," Robert answered.

"Who's the friend?" he wanted to know.

"Wheeler!" Robert replied. The man was interested, so Robert introduced Ryan and the two started to plaumause him and fill him up with booze. It didn't take them very long to get him to a stage where he was happy to give them all the unfiltered answers that Robert was looking for.

"The place is completely secluded, no distractions, I have no wife or kids that get in the way, if you get my drift", Robert said.

"Ah, he told you about that?!" Niall said.

"He told me she had you guys run of the land," Robert said, and after that it was like taking candy of a baby.

Robert and Ryan laughed with him as he told them how they branded the boy with a coat hanger, the way they sometimes had branded fresh meat in prison. How Wheeler let him have his wife and the little 'pillow biter' too.

He told him how he wasn't there when her uncle and his men came to the farm, but how if he had been there, he would have shown them. He wouldn't have just packed up because of some redneck farmer. Not him!

As promised, they brought him to the cabin in the woods after closing time, where the red neck farmer and his son waited for him to sober up, before they hung him and dumbed his body at the train station. 

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