Chapter 4

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"All students proceed to your 3rd period classes for attendance then to the gym. There will be a short assembly" The principal said over the intercom and Nini proceeded to do as told.

Ricky took this as an easy way to ditch so he went to his 3rd period classroom to get his attendance then went straight out the school doors heading to the place he'd always go just to think.

There was this mountain that sat right above the beach that he always went to when he had a lot on his mind. Watching the waves of the ocean pass by was always so calming to Ricky

Most of the times when his parents were arguing he'd go to that spot. It was his escape from everyone and everything going on in his chaotic world.

Ricky sat at the rock looking into the ocean in the not so far distance. His mind wandered to Nini. He knew she'd be hard but he didn't know how much she'd effect him.

Every girl in school wanted Ricky. He never had any problem getting girls so the fact that Nini was dismissing him the way that she was definitely bruised his ego.

The fact that she looked at their night together as a mistake hurt a little bit.

Ricky was honestly misunderstood. When he first started this bad boy image he had going on it was just to gain more attention from his parents. The more he didn't receive their attention the worse he got until this image became him.

People would never know that this was what he was going through because Lynn and Mike are so good at hiding their problems. They loved being looked at as the perfect couple even if both of them were unhappy in the relationship.
They didn't take the time to realize the effect that this was having on their son.

Ricky felt invisible in his own home. No matter how many bad things he'd do, his parents never took notice of him. Eventually he began to love being the bad boy. There was something about rush that it gave him.

Ricky got arrested several numbers of times. It was never anything serious though, it was things like trespassing, and shoplifting. After he'd get arrested his parents would express their disappointment, and go back to their normal lives.

Eventually Ricky had gotten used to his parents not giving him the attention he wanted. He learned how to take care of himself and he became independent.

As much as he wanted his parents in his life he'd developed this "I don't need anybody" attitude.

Meanwhile at East High Nini got herself situated in the auditorium. Kourtney, Gina, and Ashlyn sat next to her and they waited to find out what the announcement would be.

Nini found herself scanning the auditorium for Ricky but he was nowhere to be found. She should've expected it knowing how Ricky is. Ricky never shows up for the assembly's at their school.

He hated going there so why would he care about any announcements or performances that they had?

"Alright East High. Calm down. We have a few announcements." The principal said over the microphone causing the students to stop talking and pay attention to what he had to say.

"The first announcement is the Under the Stars dance will be next Friday so get a date your tickets and get ready for a night under the stars" he said with fake enthusiasm.

Nini was hesitant on going but Ashlyn, Gina, and Kourtney told her that they'd go with her if she wanted to go.

Nini really wasn't the 'school dance type' but the girls really wanted to get her out the house. She stayed in her room all day studying and doing all her assignments. She needed to have all her grades in order to make her parents proud.

Gina told Nini she'd go with her but she really wanted to go with EJ. They'd been talking more lately, and both of them knew the other liked them but they were nothing official. They didn't want to put a label on it yet.

As the principal made other announcements Nini's mind wandered off to Ricky. Specifically the kiss from earlier. She still had butterflies in her stomach and she was starting to regret telling him she felt nothing.

Maybe I can change him she thought.

She wondered if it was worth the risk of her turning bad along with Ricky. She wondered if he was serious about trying to change.

Nini's parents look at her as the golden child and risking that was a big risk to take. Ricky was known for being a player. He went through girls quickly and without a care in the world so if Nini was going to take the risk she needed to be 100% sure that both of them were committed. And she just wasn't sure if that. She needed his actions to speak just as loud as his words did.

"For the next announcement, I'd like to welcome your new drama teacher Ms.Jen" the principal said catching Nini's attention.

Nini loved the theatre. She loved musicals, dramas, comedys, you name it she loves it. She's auditioned for the play every year but always gets a small role.

Each year she hopes to get a bugged role but her confidence just isn't there. Nini was crazy talented but she never saw herself as talented.

She'd always shy back while the drama teachers were looking for someone with confidence.

She was still going to continue to audition though. She knew that I'd she tried enough she could definitely get a lead role. She just needed to have some confidence in herself.

"Hello East High! It has come to my attention that you attend the school where the legendary high school musical was filmed but you have never put on a play of the actual musical. It's time for me to change that! Auditions will be tomorrow after school" Ms Jen said and Nini got really excited. She loved high school musical since she was a little girl and always wanted to be Gabriella. This was her time to shine.

Please lmk how y'all feeling about this story! I'm trying to figure out if I really want to continue so your feedback counts! I hope you enjoyed and tysm for reading! Vote and comment please!

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