Our children

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„ MOM !!! I did it ! I bended some metal !" Lin said.

" oh wow really? You have nearly surpassed me !" Toph said while she petted her daughter's head.

Years have passed and Sokka and Toph have started a family. Their first daughter was named Lin and was already training hard to become a powerful earth bender. Katara was already pregnant with their second child. Aang couldn't stop bragging about the second child. Zuko and Mai started a family too and got a daughter who's name was Izumi.

And uncle Iroh ? He got married to the mute lady. Of course he invited everyone to the fire nation to celebrate his new wedding. He was happier then ever ,as he finally found a person that shared his love of tea as much as he did.

" Yeah that's my daughter !" Sokka said while he lifted Lin up.

Toph smiled. She couldn't see the two of them or will ever know how her own daughter looks like, but hearing feeling how happy she was and how well Sokka treated her was more then enough for Toph. Sokka moved closer to Toph and gave her a small kiss on her lips.

"EWWWW" Lin said while she made a disgusted face.

Sokka laughter and said " You are EWWWWW" He teased her.

" No you are EWWW" Aang joined the conversation.

" Uncle Aang !" Lin freaked out.

" I didn't want to interrupt you guys but I thought that I visit you for a second." Aang said while he picked Lin up.

" Can you water bend again Oh Oh and do the lightning and the fire thing and the air ball and..." Lin said.

" Hahahaha Wait ! One thing at a time ! " Aang cut her off.

" They finally finished the Statue ! You look magnificent, well Aang the statue looks magnificent. " Sokka said with a bright smile.

After years of planning , Republican city finally managed to build the huge stature to honour the avatar. It was gigantic and at the coast of republic city. Aang was proud of his accomplishments but tried to be humble as well.

" Yeah I saw that already ! I look like a child." Aang shyly said.

" You sure still act like one."Toph said while she grinned.

Her life was making sense again. The emptiness that she has once felt was gone, replaced by her daughter and her husband. Sokka and Toph married pretty late. Lin was at that time they married already 3 Years old. Toph got accident pregnant before Sokka asked her to marry him , but this - accident - was the best thing that happened to Toph , she thought as she heard her daughter talk to the Avatar.

„ Isn't uncle Zuko coming too ? I want to ride the freaking dragon." Lin said as she maliciously giggled.

" No dragon !" Toph said.

" WHAAAT..." Sokka disappointedly said.

" but ...but dad said we can ride a dragon..." Lin whinnied.

"Fine ,where is Zuko and his damn dragon ?" Toph said while she worried about her daughter getting hurt.

The Four of them went to see the firelord that was already waiting for the Avatar next to Katara. Zuko bowed as soon as he saw Aang.

" I told you that you don't have to bow!" Aang said while smiling at Zuko.

Zuko smiled back " It's out of respect !" He said and laughed.

" Enough shit chat ! Let me on the dragon !" Lin said while she jumped into Zuko's arms.

" Me too !" Sokka said.

The two got onto the dragon and left. Which meant that only Aang, Zuko , Katara and Toph stayed on the ground. They chatted a bit , talked about life and family stories. While Toph was explaining to the others how her daily life looked like with Sokka at her side and her cheeky daughter , she fumbled with her wedding ring that Sokka gave her. She blushed as she thought about the memories of her and Sokka.

" These Idiots are such a pain in my ass. It's like I have two children. " Toph said and giggled.

" Yeah Sokka can truly be childish sometimes." Aang said.

" Oh sure ! Says the Airbender that is playing with his non - bender child. He literally teases Bumi with his bending abilities." Katara said and grinned.

Aang blushed and tried to make puppy eyes so he would look innocent to me and Zuko. Suddenly a guard ran towards us.

" There is an emergency..." the guard said.

" Aang and I are handling that. See you. " Toph said.

The awkward silence between Katara and Zuko was still there. They haven't really talked for a really long time. It was weird being alone together.

" Katara listen I really like you- " Zuko got interrupted.

" It's ok. I have a family now to take care of and Aang by my side. We are even expecting a second child. " Katara sadly said.

"I see..." Zuko shyly said.

" Maybe in another life." Katara said as she looked at the sky.


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