The hot springs

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* The next day* 

Toph and Sokka haven't really talked a lot since he caught her eavesdropping. Toph was in her bed , it was 11:00 in the morning and she was too lazy to get some breakfast. 

' ... Is Sokka mad at me ?... why would  I even care... he is probably just a bit grumpy, not more...' Toph thought. 

Toph got out of her bed when someone knocked at her door. 

" Who is it ?" Toph said. 

" It's me. Can I come in ?" Katara said. 

" Yeah." Toph said and went to her door to open it. 

" You are still in your pyjamas ! Get changed we are going to the hot springs as soon as you are ready to go." Katara said with a smile.

" Today ? I want to eat something first." Toph said with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice.

" I will get you a snack on our way." Katara said while she grabbed Toph's clothes. 

Katara turned to Toph and put her clothes into Toph's arms. 

Katara pushed Toph into the bathroom , giggled and said " Hurry up !" 

As soon as Toph was finished with changing her clothes, they got out and walked towards the hot springs. On the way to the hot springs Toph bought Taiyaki as she was very hungry. 

* meanwhile with Sokka and Aang * 

" Hey, Sokka ? " Aang asked. 

" What's up ?" Sokka said. 

They both were helping to remove the painting for the fire lord and carried them to a campfire place to be burned. They finally arrived and put the huge painting down. 

" Do you guys need some help ? " Ty lee asked while she did five backflips. 

Sokka laughed and said " Me and Aang are fine. We are strong together." 

Ty lee arrived yesterday in the evening because she had to do a mission. She is part of the Kyoshi girls and was invited to live in the palace to increase the safety. She had her full Kyoshi outfit on and watched Sokka closely as she found him very attractive. 

" Sokka, are you coming to get the next one ?" Aang asked. 

Sokka nodded and walked back inside with Aang. Ty lee looked after Sokka and blushed below her makeup. 

" Katara and Toph are at the hot springs. Do you want to go with me to the hot springs ?" Aang asked and smiled. 

" Hmm it definitely sounds nice but we still have to help renovate the hall." Sokka said and smiled too. 

" We can just go for a couple of hours and work later." Aang said. 

" Sounds good, let's go !" Sokka said and thought about the Hot springs. 

* meanwhile with Toph and Katrara * 

The owner of the Hot springs was a very old lady. She was small and wore a kimono. She was always very kind and nice to her costumers. The hot spring was divided for females and males which is why there was a thin wooden fence between the two hot spring pools. Katara and Toph arrived and went to the ladies changing room. 

" I am so exited !" said Katara while she tied her hair to a bun so it would get wet. 

" You know that I don't really like water." Toph said and got a bit grumpy. 

" Don't worry it's not that deep and I can always safe you will my water bending." said Katara and giggled. 

"Whatever." Toph said. 

They both went into the warm water which had an earthy and flowery fragrance. Katara sat back and enjoyed the stream of the warm water which was hugging her face. Not late after that Sokka and Aang arrived at the hot spring and got changed as well. They both entered the male section of the hot springs and noticed that were was another guy in the water. 

" Good afternoon." said Aang with a friendly voice. 

" Oh hello there." said the stranger and waved at them. 

" It's really nice here." Sokka said and jumped into the water. 

" No wonder Toph and Katara wanted to come here; it is so relaxing." Aang said and slowly got into the water. 

" Wait. There are girls here !?" the stranger said and his whole head blushed. 

" Um yeah thats why there is a fence." Aang said with an confused voice 

The guy jumped out of the water and tried to spy through one of the holes that the wooden fence had. He forgot to put his towel on as he was very excited. 

" What are you doing !" Sokka asked and got angry. 

" Don't worry. I am just looking. Wow that one small girl with the black hair is very cute ! Oh and her friend looks kinda good too !" said the stranger and leaned more forward to see better. 

" You pervert stop that !" Aang said and was about to use his water bending.

Katara and Toph heard Aang yell which is why Katara yelled " Aang shut up ! Toph and I are trying to relax !" 

The guy started leaning more forward and put even more pressure onto the thin wooden fence. Suddenly the wooden fence fell over and the naked guy landed into the girls hot spring. 

" AAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!!" Toph and Katara screamed. 

Katara used her water bending to freeze that stranger, took a towel for her and Toph , picked Toph up and ran inside the ladies changing room. 

" AFTER I SAVE TOPH I WILL RETURN AND BEAT YOU UP !!!" Katara screamed as she put Toph inside the ladies changing room. 

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