I want you back.

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Iroh was trying to speak with her but she couldn't answer. The women grabbed a paper and wrote.

" Hey , My is Asumi, and I am mute. Nice to meet you !" Asumi wrote.

She handed the piece of paper to Iroh and smiled. Iroh read the pice of paper , looked at her , looked back at the paper , and looked at her again. He noticed that the signs she was making earlier was sign language. He realised that she was mute.

" Hey Asumi , my name is Iroh. I'm pleased to meet you." iroh said and had a bright smile on his face.

Asumi had long black hair which already had some grey strands poking through, wore a tube top which was red, baggy sweatpants that were red as well. Her face was very slim , her cheekbones were very defined and she had some wrinkles around her mouth. The part that impressed Iroh the most were her eyes as they were full of life. The two of them still talked for the whole night and Asumi even taught Iroh some sign language.

* The next morning, meanwhile with Toph and Sokka*

Toph woke up next to Sokka. She noticed that he was hugging her from the behind while he was still sleeping. Toph was blushing. He was so close to her so that she directly stared at his face. Toph's face turned red. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door.


Toph was confused , looked at the door and noticed how Sokka woke up next to her. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. The door opened.

" SOKKA WAKE up...." Zuko said and looked a little surprised when he saw Sokka and Toph laying right next to each other.


Her whole face got red and she felt her own heart beating vehemently in her chest. She looked at Sokka which seemed to be unbothered.

" I'm coming in 15 minutes." Sokka said.

Zuko smirked as he shut the door. Sokka got up , took his shirt off, and screeched. Even though Toph was blind, she could still through her feet his toned muscles.

" I will go back to my room and take a shower." Toph said and rushed out of Sokka's room.

Sokka looked after her as she left the room. He went to his bathroom and also took a shower. After he finished, he went to meet Zuko who was already waiting for him.

" Soooo what happened last night ?" Zuko said while he grinned.

Sokka blushed a bit , took a dumbbell , started training and said " Toph just felt uncomfortable in her room after what happened to her. That's why I let her sleep in my room."

Sokka couldn't hide is smile after he thought about how cute Toph looked when she is sleeping. Zuko smiled too and he started training. They trained for an hour when Aang came in with Suki.

" Hey Guys ! i just wanted to make sure that you are ok. I don't know if Zuko told you but Kai is in prison." Aang said.

Suki watched Sokka the whole time. She was clearly still in love with him and madly jealous at Toph. She was planning to get him back somehow.

" I could never imagine that could ever happen too Toph. She is such a lovely girl and deserves so much better. " Suki said with a sad voice but the truth is that she didn't feel sorry for Toph at all.

" I am glad ; he has a lot of time now to think about what he did. " Sokka said with angry emotion present in his eyes.

" I still have to talk with my subordinates about that. We will immediately take safety procedures." Zuko said and went to chnage his clothes for his upcoming meeting.

" Where are Katara and Toph ?" Sokka asked and tried to sound more optimistic.

Suki was full of anger when she heard Sokka asking about Toph, but she still smiled so no one would notice.

" They are feeding the turtle ducks, and Mai is waiting for Ty lee as she is coming to visit us." Aang said.

" Oh, ok. I will go to join Katara and Toph. Do you guys want to come too ?" Sokka asked as he got up.

" I have to attend Zuko's meeting to discuss some Topics. I will join later." Aang said as he left.

The silence between Sokka and Suki was palpable. She wanted him back so bad, but there was one problem: Toph.

" Sokka... I need to talk to you." Suki said and got closer to him.

Toph left Karata to relax in her room a bit as she noticed Suki and Sokka in the gym. She listened to their conversation and was very careful as she didn't wanted to get caught.

" What's wrong ?" Sokka asked with a confused tone in his voice.

" It's just .... I want you back." Suki said with a sad voice.

Toph , who was still listening , was shocked. She didn't expect Suki to say that at all.

' Suki still has feelings for Sokka ?' Toph thought and got a little sad as she was afraid to lose Sokka again.

" Suki...I..." Sokka got interrupted.

" PLEASE ! What have I done wrong ? I was loyal , nice and always caring. I even waited for you to get over Yui. Just tell me what I can do to get you back ! " Suki said and sounded very hurt and desperate.

" Suki ; I don't have feelings for you anymore." Sokka said.

Love is Blind...Sokka+TophWhere stories live. Discover now