The fire nation supreme court

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Aang went into the the fire lords room , walked towards Zuko and sat next to him . Every member from the fire nations supreme court was already waiting for him. They got up and bowed s soon as they saw Aang.

" Shall we start the meeting fire lord Zuko." said one of member.

" I am still waiting for Iroh." Zuko said calmly.

Since Zuko became the new fire lord, uncle Iroh became part of the supreme court and helped Zuko with his decisions. Aang was also a very important member. Him and Zuko became close friends and talked a lot about how they could improve the world so that all the nations would trust each other again to live in peace.

Suddenly uncle Iroh entered the fire lords room and said " My apologies , I was very busy lately."

He blushed a little when he said that . He sat down will all the other members and tried to look more serious.

" Now that everyone is here we can start the meeting. The first issue that we are going to talk about is the safety in the palace. " Zuko said.

" I agree , we suggests that we should increase the the guards outside and inside of the palace of the palace." a member said.

" We have enough guards. There is a famous fire bending school in the Fire nations capital. I think we should invest more into the training of the students fir bending ability so that they can work for the fire nations palace. " a different member said.

" I have sen some of the students and their fire bending. The techniques that they use are outstanding and many students have are very talented. They would surly increase the safety in the palace." Uncle Iroh said.

" Those are valid points. I may consider that." Zuko said while he was lost in his thoughts.

" Zuko and me have been also discussing some changes inside the palace itself." Aang mentioned.

" I would like to take off the fire lord portraits." Zuko said.

The whole Supreme court was silent as many members noticed the anger in Zuko's voice. Zuko felt sick whenever he talked about the previous fire lords.

" The free space that we would have is immense. What are you planning to do with that hall ?" a member asked.

Zuko stayed silent. He was lost in his thoughts again.

" How about a party room were we can have a ball." Iroh said while he thought about Asumi and him dancing together.

" The palace has enough rooms were we can have a ball. How about a meditation room were we can all relax after a stressful day." Aang said while he smiled.

" We can make it as a meeting room so that majors and leaders from all nations can come and visit us to discuss global issues." Zuko said.

" I agree." a member said.

" That sounds very good" said Aang.

Everyone in the room agreed and they continued discussing some smaller issues off the fire nation.

* meanwhile with Toph , Sokka and Suki." *

Toph still eavesdrop the conversation between Suki and Sokka.

" HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT !?" Suki yelled.

' ...Should I go ?...this feels so wrong ....' Toph thought.

" You don't have feelings for my anymore ?! How dare you even say that ! We went through so much ! I was even in jail for you and fought for you! I saved you life when you and Toph were helpless !" Suki screamed while she started crying.

" I really appreciate everything you have done for me. The reality however, is that I am in love with someone else. I would be very happy if we could stay friends; Suki." Sokka said with a sympathetic voice.

Sokka was about the leave. He got closer to the door.

' ... NO ...he is coming closer i have to...' Toph thought when she suddenly heard Suki yelling at Sokka.

" IT IS TOPH RIGHT ?" Suki yelled and cried at the same time.

Sokka turned around to face Suki. He was silent and didn't know how to respond to that accusation. Suki started to get even more angrier. She was shaking and the tears on her face started pouring down even faster.

" Yes ; I am in love with Toph." Sokka finally said.

' he serious...did he really just say that ....? ...' Toph though blushing but feeling sad at the same time.

Sokka turned back around ,facing the door and slowly opened it. He felt sorry for Suki but the only girl that he wants to be in a relationship with now is Toph

' ...Noooo ... I HAVE TO HIDE !...but where ! ' Toph thought while she got anxious that someone would catch her.

Toph ran to hide behind the corner as fast as she could. She would have used earth bending but that was impossible as the floor was made out of wood. She hold her breath so that Sokka wouldn't notice her heavy breathing as she was so nervous.

' ...he is coming closer ... ahhhh no no no no no...' Toph thought but it was too late.

" Can I help you ?" Sokka asked while he got closer to Toph.

Toph jumped up as soon as he talked. She was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. Toph felt guilty for eavesdropping the conversation between them.

" I-...I was just looking for you." Toph mumbled.

" You were listening to my conversation with Suki." Sokka said and left her alone.

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