10. Mine!

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Wind whistled over the moonlit landscape. The darkness of deepest midnight lay like a velvet blanket on everything. Upon a little hill, a picturesque little town was silhouetted against the starry sky. A nightingale sang in the distance, until it subsided, leaving the calm and beautiful silence of the night to fall once more over the—


In the centre of the picturesque little town, the window bars of the picturesque little jail were blown clean out of the wall. A moment later, I peeked out of the smoking hole, admiring my work.

"Hm...not bad. Not bad at all."

Glancing back at the terrified, gape-mouthed crowd of soon-to-be escapees, I gestured at them to follow.

"Come along! What are you waiting for?"

"You...you blew up the wall."

"Yes, I know. Move it!"

"You blew up the wall!"

The men seemed rather intent on repeating this fact, and on not moving their butts. Well now, we'd have to do something about that, wouldn't we?

I smiled.

"I was sent by Mr Rikkard Ambrose."

The colour drained from the face of every single man.

"How about now?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Want to follow me?"

"B-but...we would be escaping from jail! We would be outlaws!"

Turning to face the man who had spoken, I cocked my head. "Mr Rikkard Ambrose is in town. Would you like to be late for work tomorrow?"

Suddenly, all the men leapt up, filled with the burning desire to become desperados. Dashing towards the wall, I vaulted over the smoking remains of the windowsill and the unconscious guard outside, rushing across the street.

"Move! Faster, you club-footed gang of cutthroats!" I yelled. "As you lovely locals say, let's blow this joint!"

Hesitant cheers went up behind me.

"This way!" Dashing around a corner, I leapt over a fence and swerved around another corner, my new gang right behind me. It wasn't long before I burst into the courtyard where all the deputies' horses were tied. The one deputy "standing" guard was currently scrambling up from the ground, blinking around confusedly, wondering what the heck had awakened him from his peaceful slumber, when...


"Good night," I told the man, sending him plunging into the horse trough. "You don't mind if we borrow your horses, do you?"

A few bubbles rose to the surface.

"Thought not. Thanks! Cheerio!" Grabbing the nearest horse by the reins, I leapt into the saddle, startling the animal awake. Pulling it around, I faced the crowd of escapees staring up at me, wide-eyed.

"Grab a horse and ride! Ride like the devil is behind you!" I roared, not mentioning the fact that Mr Ambrose would be in front of them. Between the two, they might just pick the devil. "Ride, now!" Reaching out, I gave my mount a slap on the rear, sending it galloping towards the courtyard's exit. "Yee-ha!"


"Is this it? Are we there?"

"Not quite yet. A bit farther," I hissed back towards the others and drove my horse farther into the darkness. Soon, a large, turban-topped silhouette detached itself from the shadows and stepped in front of us.

"Now we're here," I confirmed, eyes glittering dangerously. Letting my horse come to a stop, I slid from the saddle and stepped towards the mountain of a man waiting for me.

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