35. Desperados Deserve Nice Gifts, too

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"Aaah!" Relishing the taste, I gulped down the amazing drink. "That hit the spot! Simply delicious!"

Which was something that, admittedly, I never thought I'd say about water. I guess a week or two of desert travel changes your perspective on things. After circumventing the oasis at the main entrance to the canyon, it had taken quite a while for us to slip into the canyon unnoticed and find another one. I was parched! Ahh, another sweet mouthful...

"If you enjoy it that much," came my dear husband's voice from behind me, "I can make sure that the drink cabinets in our house are stocked with nothing else."

"You...don't you dare!" I jumped up to stop him. "Don't you—"

When I whirled around, I found nothing but air behind me.

"Mr Ambrose? Mr Ambrose, don't you dare do it! I'm not some inmate in a prison to be fed only bread and water! I warn you, if I find you fiddling around with the drink cabinet or the pantry—"

I raced around the oasis, peeking behind every rock, tree and bodyguard. Once I had checked behind the last one, I scrutinized him with suspicion. "Do you know where Mr Ambrose is?"

The Mohammedan's face remained wooden. "I couldn't say."

"But that doesn't mean that you don't know, does it?"

"I couldn't say, Sahiba."

"You...!" I stabbed a finger under his nose. "Just you wait! I'll find a bodyguard twice as big as you, and then my dearest husband won't be able to pull stuff like that anymore!"

"I wish you the best of luck, Sahiba."

Whirling around, I started stalking away. We didn't have much time. The effects of my "medicine" were probably soon to wear off, and by then, I would prefer to be far, far away from here.

I had to hand it to Mr Rikkard Ambrose—even in hiding, he could spur his employees to work at a frantic pace with his chilly aura alone. Within ten minutes, our waterskins were re-filled and our camel humps were happily sloshing with liquid. It wasn't long before we were all up in the saddle and ready to go. And by the looks of it, that was a good thing, too. Sensing something ominous behind me, I glanced around—and there it was. The thing that hadn't been there before. The thing that, now it was there, I wished would disappear.

The dust cloud. They were coming.

A tenacious grin spread over my face. Reaching down to my belt, I caressed my BBF—Best Bullet Friend. It was loaded and ready to go.

They're coming? Then let them come! I'll be ready to welcome them.

Turning back around to face forward, my gaze fell on some reeds growing at the edge of the pond. A grin spread across my face as I suddenly got an idea. An amazing idea.

Someone dares to disturb my honeymoon? Then they'll have to pay the price for it!

Nudging Ambrose Junior to Karim's side, I directed my charming smile his way. "Say, Karim...would you do me a favour?"


I didn't let that discourage me. On the contrary, my smile only widened.

"Tell me...you're loyal to my dear husband, right?"


"So, if there is something you could do to help and protect him, you would do it?"


"Even if it were all my plan?"


My eyes sparkled with wicked delight. "Spiffing! Come here, Karim, my boundlessly bearded friend! Let me share my brilliant idea with you..."

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