36. Mr Ambrose Gets Serious

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Oh crap.

"Well?" the icy voice at my ear demanded, his breath tickling my neck. "Would you mind telling me what you were up to?"



"Yes, I would mind." I explained helpfully. "By the way, nice weather we're having today, isn't it?"

"Mrs Ambrose..."

"I don't think it's going to rain anytime soon. Isn't sunshine a wonderful thing?"

"Mrs. Lillian. Ambrose."

"And not a hint of clouds in the sky. How splendid!"

"Mrs! Ambrose!"

I tried to resist mightily. But in the end, I succumbed to Mr Ambrose's mesmerizing eyes and spine-chilling voice of doom. I spilled everything about my plans, the details of which I might have previously hidden from him.

"A gunfight."

"Mr Ambrose?"

"You. Charged. Into. A. Gunfight."

"Well, I wouldn't say 'charged' exactly..."

It happened before I could even blink. A strong hand grabbed the back of my neck and, pulling me over towards him, held me in place inches away from his chiselled face. His dark, sea-coloured eyes were deep pools, urging me to drown myself in bliss.

"You," Mr Rikkard Ambrose ordered, his voice chilly as the heart of an ice giant, "are under house arrest."

I would have vehemently protested—if not for one rather obvious fact. "There are no houses anywhere for around a hundred miles."

His free hand fastening around my wrist, he prevented me from escaping. "Husband arrest, then."

"That isn't even a thing!"

"It is now." And without another instant of hesitation, his fingers entangled in my hair and pulled me into an explosive, earth-shattering kiss.

Who needs dynamite, when you have Mr Rikkard Ambrose?

No! Bad Lilly, bad! You can't just fold to his crazy demands because he's a good kisser.

Not even if, right now, it seemed like a really, really, really good idea?

Especially not then!

What I didn't get, though, was why he was going off the deep end like this. For years, my presence had slowly chipped away at his chauvinism until, finally, he seemed to admit the possibility that women, in fact, might be in possession of a brain. In very recent times, he might even be convinced to concede that females could do the same jobs as men. In a pinch. For half the wages.

All right, progress was slow! But there was still progress!

Or at least there had been.

Until we had left on our honeymoon, and Mr Rikkard Ambrose had suddenly turned into a caveman.

Though that might not be such a bad thing if he dressed like one. Hm...Mr Ambrose in a furry loincloth...

No! Bad Lilly, bad!

I had to get a hold of myself! I had to get to the bottom of why the heck he was suddenly behaving like this. And I definitely would, as soon as he was finished kissing me.

Any moment now.

Any moment now...


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