Chapter 11

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"Yep." Kugisaki sat upright and crossed her arms, her eyes were closed as she nodded repeatedly, "They're  definitely fucking alright."

Maki hummed at the improbable statement, "I don't know.... that's a pretty big assumption."

"They're not....." Fushiguro hesitated slightly, it made him a bit uncomfortable to need to say these types of things out loud, "....fucking." 

Kugisaki was currently sitting cross-legged, she uncrossed her arms and pressed her hands onto her knees as she leaned closer to the raven-haired boy, "And how would you know?!"

Fushiguro wasn't sure how to explain nor validate his words. After all, he didn't actually have any evidence. He just knew and that was that.

"I just know."

"You—Just—Know?" Kugisaki emphasized her words skeptically while arching an eyebrow.


After some hours of training, some of the first and second year jujutsu students laid out on the grassy field for a break. The subject of you and Gojo wouldn't have come up if Yuji hadn't appeared asking for your whereabouts.

And that's when Kugisaki went on her spiel about how she saw you and Gojo the other day, canoodling.

Kugisaki's gossip rendered Yuji immobile. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He was standing there in a trance, still fixated on their conversation five minutes ago.

"Hey, do you guys know where (y/n) is?"

Fushiguro looked up at the pink-haired boy, "She's with Gojo sensei. They're out taking care of a special grade."

"With Gojo, huh?" Kugisaki's lips pulled upwards into an impish smile, she would never know that her next set of words would incite something within Yuji, "They're probably fucking."

"HUH? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Yuji gaped.

"Hey... you shouldn't say these kinds of things out loud you know? Especially if they aren't true." Fushiguro's forehead crinkled with agitation, he didn't believe her; it was merely hearsay.

"Whats all the commotion?" Maki stepped forward to join the three.

"We're talking about—" Kugisaki placed a hand behind her onto the ground, she arched her back and propped a leg up, her other arm resting on her propped up knee now. She was feeling way too confident, "—(y/n) and Gojo being fuck buddies."

"There's no way..." Yuji balled his hands into fists, he was trying extremely hard to hide the envy in his voice, "(Y/n) would have told me something like that. She tells me everything!"

"You honestly think someone like her would just go around flaunting her dirty laundry?" Kugisaki replied arrogantly, "I saw them the other day. And why do you even care if they are or aren't?"

"I-I don't care what she does!!" Yuji lied.

"Where was this?" Maki pursed her lips and pushed her slipping glasses up her nose, seeming way too interested.

"At the vending machines. They were all over each other. He was literally eating her neck out. You should have seen the look on (y/n)'s face when I walked in on them."


Fushiguro clicked his tongue and turned to watch the clouds inching through the sky. He was just about done with this nonsense. And, just what the hell was Gojo up to now?

"Yep." Kugisaki sat upright and crossed her arms, her eyes were closed as she nodded repeatedly, "They're definitely fucking alright."

When Yuji finally came to, Kugisaki was snapping her fingers in his face, "HellllooOoOoOo! Earth to booger brain!"

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