Chapter 12

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You groaned softly as your eyes began to open. The surrounding scents and the familiar crack on the ceiling above you indicated that you were in your room.

You brought the heels of your hands to rub your eyes briefly before turning over to your side. You took a deep breath. Something was different. There was a certain smell in the air. A certain smell that seemed a bit familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You brought your arms back down and then....


You shrieked and out of reflex, your hand whipped across the air to slap the face of the person laying next to you.

He laid on his side with his elbow propped, digging into the mattress. His cheek planted on the palm of his hand as he gazed at you.

"Ouch." he pouted, "Are we on that level now?"

"OH MY GOD!" You sat upright and scooted away from the male, "Gojo sensei! I'm sorry!!"

A silly slap could never hurt the strongest sorcerer; he was merely teasing. If anything, your slap only triggered his excitement. Gojo tilted his head downwards so that his sunglasses weren't obstructing your view from his beautiful blue eyes.

"I didn't know you were into sadism. I guess I could get use to it." He said while winking at you.

"Oh, shut up!" You really didn't want to smile but you had to admit, that joke was kinda funny, "Or I will literally slap you this time!"

"OOoOoooo! Don't tempt me, (y/n)!" 

You raised your hand at him and elevated your eyebrows, literally egging him on. Would he dare? "Try me."

Gojo threw himself onto his back and sprawled out on your bed, his arms and legs crowding into your personal space.

"Go ahead." He grinned while playing like he was going to allow you to do as you please, "Fulfill your fantasies."

Gojo's wit was always surprisingly exciting and stimulating to the mind. As much as you wanted to be mad at him, you couldn't be. He was too funny.

"GOJO! I'm going to strangle you!!" You huffed in annoyance before you let out a laugh.

"And you say you're not a sadist???" He teased, further provoking you.

"Alright. That's it. You asked for it!" You leaped onto him in attempt to seriously strangle him, but as always, he stopped you at the wrists.


The two of you began to scuffle.


Although he was fending and blocking you off effortlessly, you didn't give up.

"Not a—"

Gojo continued playfully wrestling with you. He was hoping that his physical and vocal banter would suggest to you that he was interested in a deeper relationship.


He chuckled and grabbed your forearms before rolling you onto your back so that, now, he was on top of you. He proceeded to pin your arms above your head and inadvertently spread your legs with his knees to get in between your thighs.

"Is that all you got?~"

"Gojo! Get off of me!" You tried to pull your arms out but his grip was too strong, "And why are you even in here in the first place?! Without even asking!"

"How could I ask? You were knocked out."

"Even more reason to not be in my room! Let alone in bed with me!"

Tsuyoi 強い ⋮ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now