911, What's your emergency?

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"911, What's your emergency?"
"Please help me!!"
"Ma'am you need to calm down and tell me what's wrong."
"My, my boyfriend he's drunk! I locked him outside, but he's yelling.. I'm so scared!"
"Alright ma'am, what's you're address?"
"637 Hunington Drive, please hurry!"
"Police have been dispatched and are on their way."

Carlos' POV
"Alright Lindsey I know it's been all fun and games today, but when we get to this house I need you to be completely serious, alright? This is a very real situation and I'm sure nobody would appreciate us laughing our asses off while we should be trying to help. Got it?" I warn Lindsey, the rookie I've been mentoring for the past two weeks.

"Yeah, yeah I got it just keep your eyes on the road." She replied, snarky as ever.

After another 2 minutes of silence we arrive at the house the call was made from. It doesn't look like the best house in the neighborhood, but it was better than most I've seen on the job, especially on calls like this. The first thing I notice about this house though isn't it's lack of style and space, but rather the fact that the door looks like it's been kicked in.

I immediately reach for my gun resting in its holster, Lindsey seems to get the hint and pulls hers out pretty quickly as well.

Together we stealthily creep into the house. Trying our best to keep covered, hugging walls and ducking behind furniture.

I crept into the dining room and was taking a look around when I hear Lindsey from the kitchen screaming. "Body, body! Carlos there's a body in here!"

I ran for the kitchen completely forgetting my search of the dining room in the process.

What I see next almost makes me want to throw up. I've responded to a few homicides but I don't think I'll ever be able to calmly stare at a dead body. It was a woman, she looked young, maybe in her early 20's , she had very pale skin, and blonde hair that came down to her waist, or I assumed it was blonde it could just have easily been red but it's hard to tell with all the blood seeping from her multiple stab wounds.

"We've gotta report this, right?"

Lindsey snapped me out of my haze with her question.

"Yeah definitely."

Lindsey moves to place her gun back in it's holster.

"Wait, we haven't searched the whole house yet you need to keep that out, you know in case there's a murderer somewhere around here."

I recognized the look of pure fear on her face immediately, especially since it's only been about three years since I wore the same one on my first homicide case.

"Why don't you go back to the car and call this in? I'll finish taking a look around."

"Okay, yeah that sounds good."

She said in a voice way to high pitched for anyone over the age of four. I watched as she practically sprinted to the car.

It didn't bother me that she was so eager to leave, honestly I didn't want to be in this house any longer than I needed too. I pushed away the urge to run away from this hellhole of a house and instead raised my gun a little higher and kept walking.

I took a left out of the kitchen and was met with two doors. I opened the first one as quietly as possible, now very thankful for Lindsey being in the car knowing quiet isn't really in her vocabulary. I sighed in relief when I opened the door and was met with a small but mostly empty room, it was very plain except for a queen sized bed pushed against the wall. After a quick sweep of the room I concluded that nobody was there, and I began walking to the other door which was the only room I hadn't checked.

I didn't give myself a chance to come down from my adrenaline high before pushing the door open a little louder than I wanted to.

"Austin police!" I shouted before realizing I was alone.

Alone in another bedroom... a kids bedroom. My heart stoped for a minute when I realized it's possible a child heard that woman being murdered. Just like in the other bedroom I swept the room trying my best not to contaminate anything, god knows forensics will be on my ass if I mess with any evidence. As I made my way to the closet door I heard something. Something that sounded an awful lot like sniffling.

Without a second thought I opened the closet door and my heart broke at the sight in front of me. A little boy, a toddler sitting on the floor of his closet crying his heart out. He had pale skin and blonde hair just like the woman in the kitchen, and just like the woman in the kitchen he had specs of blood all over him, but I couldn't see any injuries so I could only assume it was hers.

I put my gun back in it's holster and knelt down to be closer to the little boy on the floor.

"Hi buddy. My name's Carlos, what's your name?"

The boy looked up at me terrified, obviously scared of strangers.

"Hey, hey it's okay. You can tell me."

"See this." I said pointing at the badge on my uniform.

"I'm a police officer, I'm here to help you, okay? I promise."


"Your name is Lane?" I asked him.

He nodded, silently answering my question.

"Lane is it okay if I pick you up?"

He once again answered me with a nod, I'm starting to get the idea that this kid isn't a big talker, or at least not with me.

I picked him up and got him fixed on my hip so I could support him properly, not caring about the small drops of blood staining my uniform. Lane rested his head on my shoulder, and I started walking back to the car where Lindsey was waiting.

This was the first chapter so please don't be rude just for the sake of being rude btw I love constructive criticism so go ahead and leave some of that in the comments

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