Happily Ever After

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*2 Weeks Later*

Carlos' POV

TK was sitting in the living room on his phone, he had bags under his eyes.

"Babe, do you wanna eat anything?" I asked him.

"No, I'm not hungry." He grumbled not looking at me.

"Well you have to eat something TK." I told him slightly aggravated.

"Carlos I don't want anything." He said plainly.

I sighed. "Fine. Just tell me when you're hungry and I'll make you something."

We've both been going through a lot, and I can tell TK is having a really hard time.

I walked into the kitchen to make myself something to eat but gave up on it after deciding it took to much effort.

I decided to make my way back to living room to join TK, and then the doorbell rang.

I could see TK making no move for the door.

"I'll get it!" I called to him though I doubt he cared.

Probably another Amazon package.

I was surprised when I opened the door to find a tear stained Mildred Matthews, a professionally dressed Diana Jennings, and Lane.

"Papa!" Lane screamed and jumped into my arms.

I caught him of course and gave him the biggest hug I could.

I could hear TK running down the hall, I was still hugging Lane when I heard him gasp.

"Daddy!" Lane screamed when he saw TK. I turned towards TK with Lane in my arms to see him shocked with tears running down his face.

I passed Lane off to him and TK held him tightly, I hadn't seen him smile in 2 weeks.

I then remembered the two women still in the doorway.

I turned towards them and took in their expressions. Mildred had her eyes locked on TK holding Lane, she was crying with a huge smile across her face. Diana was also smiling which surprised me cause she usually keeps up such a professional front.

"What's going on?" I finally asked.

Diana was the first to speak.

"Custody of Lane is being transferred back to the two of you." She smiled brightly.

TK heard this and appeared in the doorway with me, still holding Lane.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yes." Mildred answered.

"My William passed away due to a stroke a week ago, and I don't think I can do it alone." She explained.

Diana patted her back in what I'm sure she thought was a comforting manner, but really just looked awkward.

Mildred sniffled before continuing. "Lane is my grandson, but you are his parents." She wiped at her eyes.

"Mildred Matthews has agreed to transfer her custody to both of you so that you can adopt Lane, just as long as she is allowed to visit him and maintain a relationship." Diana stated.

"Of course." TK said beside me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

TK smacked my arm lightly.

Mildred chuckled. "I was a mother to a beautiful little girl, and I messed up with her. I thought that if I had Lane in my custody I would have a second shot, but I'm not his mother. I'm his grandmother. You're his parents, it's your job to raise him. I'll just visit and buy him a bunch of toys and sweets. Like a grandmother is supposed too." Mildred was smiling.

I looked next to me and found TK smiling back at her.

I wrapped my arm around TK's shoulder and placed my other hand on Lane's back.

Our son is home.

He's home with us where he belongs.

The End

A/N: Stay tuned for the epilogue, coming out soon.

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