Saying Goodbye

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Carlos' POV

Nothing in my life has ever been as painful as waking up that morning. Once I had woken up it took at least an hour to convince myself to get out of bed. I kept looking to my side where TK and Lane were sleeping peacefully.

Good things never seem to last.

We all had to get out of bed and prepare for the day ahead of us. It was 8:00 am, Mildred and William were coming to take Lane at 12:00 pm.

It was a dull morning, TK and I both got dressed and TK remained silent as he got Lane ready. After getting dressed for the day TK took Lane to have breakfast, I stayed behind in Lanes room to check his bags.

When he came to us he had nothing from his old home, his bags were packed full of clothes TK bought for him and toys Owen had bought for him.

There wasn't anything left to do in Lane's room by myself so I joined TK in the kitchen.

I found him cutting an apple into tiny slices.

"Hey." I said while placing my hand on his back.

He hummed in response and turned his head towards me.

TK is always quiet when something big is happening.

"Why don't you go sit with Lane in the living room? I'll finish this." I told him quietly.

He nodded and made his way to the living room to watch TV with Lane. I finished cutting the apple quickly and joined them.

TK was sitting on the couch with his arm wrapped around Lane who was focused on the television. I sat on the other side of Lane and put the plate of apple slices in his lap while I kissed the top of his head.

I looked up at TK to see that he was completely focused on Lane who was munching away on apple slices.

I stretched my arm till my hand touched his shoulder in what I hoped was a comforting manner.

I looked between TK and Lane a couple times and tried to savor the moment of closeness with the two most important people in my life. How are we going to survive without our boy.


The doorbell rang loudly. TK took an audible deep breath. I wasn't trying to let the time pass quickly, but the universe seemed to be in a rush to ruin my life.

TK pulled Lane into his lap, and I stood to get the door.

I opened the door to see Mildred and William Matthews. They let themselves in and I went to get Lane's bags from his room.

I tried to be fast so I didn't miss a thing.

I handed over Lane's things to Mildred and William. Then I went to say goodbye.

TK was holding Lane tightly on the couch, while whispering to him.

I joined them on the couch and was able to get TK to loosen his hold a little bit. Enough so I could see Lane's face.

"Lane, your grandparents are going to take you with them to their home in California now." I said quietly while looking into his sad blue eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you papa." Lane whispered with a pout.

I pulled Lane and TK into a hug.

"We're gonna miss you too baby." I whispered to him.

The moment all too soon and we had to let Mildred and William take Lane with them.

They took him so easily.

I saw TK wipe his eyes a few times, he was obviously crying, but we didn't talk about it.

He walked back to our room and shut the door.

I sat on the couch alone.

The house was so quiet.

It's a parental instinct to keep your kid close to you, and keep them away from strangers. I was just forced to let strangers take mine away.

It felt wrong to just sit there, it felt wrong to go on my phone, it felt wrong to watch the TV, everything felt wrong.

I had to go, I couldn't just sit in this house.

I poked my head into TK and I's room to find him laying in the bed staring at the ceiling.

"Hey babe I'm going for a drive." I told him.

He didn't respond.

"Do you wanna come?" I asked him.

"No." TK said flatly.

"Okay, I'll text you when I'm on my way home." I told him before leaving the room, closing the door behind me.

I grabbed my keys and left. I didn't have anywhere to go I just wanted to be away from the house.

After awhile I found myself driving in the direction of my parents house. I wasn't planning on visiting my parents, but might as well.

I pulled into my parents driveway and made my way to the front door.

I rang the doorbell and my mother answered.

"Carlitos?" She said.

"Hi mom." I said back.

"Come inside Carlos. Come sit down." She said while ushering me through the door.

I sat on the couch with my mother next to me.

She looked at me for a moment before speaking.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

She could always read me like a book.

"Mom you were in the courtroom, you know what happened." It was becoming harder to hold back all the emotions I was feeling in front of my mother.

"Yes, I was there Carlos. I'm asking how you're handling it though." She placed her hand on my knee as she spoke.

"Honestly mom, I don't think so." I felt a tear fall from my eye.

My mother pulled me in for a hug, I hugged her back tightly.

"Mom what do I do?" I asked her desperately

I felt her rubbing my back.

"I know it's hard Carlos, but you have to try to get through this." She whispered.

"I'll keep you and TK and Lane in my prayers." She spoke softly into my ear.

I rested my head on her shoulder and tried to come to terms with everything.

Lane is gone.

My son is gone.

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