Emotional Stories

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Hey guys I just got my Covid vaccine and don't worry if you have to get it soon it doesn't hurt that much.


It had been a long day. I hadn't even worked a full shift and I was exhausted, I sprained my wrist on a call so dad made me go home. I was not complaining though, I really just need sleep after a day like this. And if I wasn't mistaken Carlos' shift had ended about an hour ago so he should've been waiting for me at home, or technically my dads house since ours caught fire.

I walked up to the door and unlocked it with my key.

"Hey babe I'm home early! Dad made me leave after I banged up my wrist!" I called to Carlos somewhere in the house.

I got no response. Weird. Carlos is literally the nicest person ever, I'd expected him to be running into the living room asking what'd happened to my wrist and checking to see if it was wrapped tightly enough. But he didn't even say anything.

"Carlos! Babe! Are you home?" I called for him. Still no response.

"Guess he's not here." I mumbled to myself while walking towards the kitchen to say hi to Buttercup.

"Hi Buttercup!" I crouch down to pet the dog with my good hand. He seemed very excited for someone to be home, probably because that usually means he'll end up with a few extra treats.

3 hours later

It had been about three hours and I was getting worried. Carlos hadn't answered any of my calls or texts. Now I completely understastood needing an hour and a half to go to the store or something, but three hours is worrisome.

I sat on the couch while my leg bounced with my eyes fixed on the door.

"Screw it." I said aloud to myself as I stood up with knees popping. I grabbed my keys and wallet while walking towards the door. I was either going to the police station to drag Carlos out by the ear while scolding him for being late or file a missing persons report.


I parked my car and practically jumped out, speed walking through the doors of the police station.

I walked up to the front desk lady. "Hey, excuse me." I said to her.

She hummed in response and turned towards me.

"What do you need help with sir?" She asked me making eye contact.

"Uh, my boyfriend, Carlos Reyes works here and he's been gone way longer than usual. So I need to know if he's here or if I should be talking to someone with missing persons."

She typed quickly on her computer while I rambled.

"Oh, alright."

"What!" I said a little to loudly.

"Calm down sir, he stayed late working on a case."

I let out a short sigh. "Can I just go see him right now or am I not able to do that."

"You're able to see him but I need to print you a visitors badge."

"Alright... how do we do that?"

"Oh I just need one form of identification, you have that right."

"Yeah, yeah" I said while reaching for my wallet.


That literal asshole. I was freaking out and there he was sitting at his desk typing on his computer like nothing happened.

As I walked closer to where Carlos was sitting at his desk I realized something.

"Who's kid is that?" I ask him as I leaned on his desk.

He jumped a little when I snapped him out of his rut of typing.

"TK, babe, what are you doing here?"

"You weren't at the house so I waited around for three hours then hunted you down." I told him while sitting in the chair right next to his desk.

"Doesn't your shift not end for like." He looked at his computer screen. "Twelve hours." (Firefighters & paramedics work 24 hour shifts)

"Dad made me leave early after I sprained my wrist. Who's kid is that?"

"You sprained your wrist? Are you okay?"

"Don't over react I'll be fine in like a day or two tops. Who's kid is that, Carlos?"

"Alright TK I'm gonna get in trouble for telling you this. You know the crazy privacy laws and all that."

"It'll be our secret." I said scrunching my nose which caused him to smirk back at me.

Carlos looked in all directions really quickly.

"Alright. Me and Lindsey were responding to a domestic violence call." He said quietly, I assumed it was to not wake the little boy resting on his shoulder or to keep the other officers from hearing. It could have easily been both though.

"It wasn't really a domestic violence call though. It was actually a homicide." At that my jaw dropped, I quickly recomposed myself and nodded for him to keep talking.

"Lindsey couldn't really handle it so I sent her to the car while I checked the rest of the house. I found a kids room and then I found a kid."

"Shouldn't there be like a social worker or something coming here to get him?"

"We called child services and they don't have anyone to send down right now."

"Did he see anything." I asked him hating how my voice cracked a little.

"We think so but we can't get it out of him."

I nodded.

"All he told us was, his mom told him to hide and Andy's a bad man. We have nothing else besides that."

"That's awful. I don't think I could handle seeing my parents like that and I'm an adult."

"I know babe."

"You know the foster care system sucks, right Carlos?"

"I know." He answered me while rubbing a hand down the toddlers back.

"What's his name?" I asked with my eyes watering a little.


"Carlos the foster system isn't going to help Lane, he's probably traumatized or something. They're just gonna break him like they do with all the other orphans."

"I know baby, but it's our only option here."

I hung my head for a minute. Carlos was right, it was the only option, Lane needed to go into the foster system. There wasn't really anything we could do about it.

I lifted my head when an idea struck me.

"What if, what if we fostered Lane?"

"Babe, what are you talking about?"

"Look Carlos, he's a child that needs a stable life and probably a therapist. Who's to say we couldn't give him that."

Carlos didn't look at me for a good few minutes. When he did he had one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen on his face. I smiled back at him.

There you go TK's POV everybody and finally they're getting to the good stuff. I'm excited to write the next chapter cause Owen's in it.

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