Chapter 31

37 10 8

Six days left


The sun was shining slightly but still, thick snowflakes fell from the grey sky mercilessly, covering the forest ground like a cloud of dust settling. I practically ran back to my car, feeling the hunger for justice burn inside of me. The box full of cassette tapes felt heavy in my arm, as if it wasn't just weighing me down mentally, it was burdensome to my entire being. Maybe it was the exhaustion weighing me down.

The weather seemed to have drastically changed, I realised as I got into my car, and it troubled me extremely, thinking how much worse the cold was for Aria. It was freezing inside of my car and the frosty air nipped at my exposed skin as I tossed the box onto the passenger seat of my car. As I looked around, I noticed how messy the inside of my car had become, the perfect picture of my current state of mind.

As I turned the ignition, my motor stuttered slightly, worrying me instantly. With shaking hands, I turned the key once more, which is when the motor finally came to life.

Slowly, I turned the car around and drove back to civilization, praying that someone out there would help me carry this burden.

When my tires finally caught the grip of the asphalt streets, they screeched in protest. The noise alerted me just how fast I was driving, yet I made no effort to slow down. Time was slipping through my fingers, after all.

It was already noon when I finally arrived at the police station, my mind burning like glowing embers. Even my leg was still pounding, reminding me just how malevolent this killer was. Yet, I took my time to mentally prepare for the hammering questions the detectives probably had for me. Although I wasn't entirely sure what explanations I had to offer them.

The parking lot of the station was emptier than I expected. In my mind, I was prepared to be tackled by furious police officers the moment I set foot on police soil.

Carefully, I glanced at the interior mirror of my car, immediately shocked at my pitiful appearance. My face was clearly beyond tired and the thin stubble that covered my jaw made it evident that I hadn't been taking care of myself for a long time. There was a look of incredulity in my eyes. Was it obvious that I lost my grip on reality?

As I reached to open the door, my phone chimed, a feeling of torment instantly bubbling in my guts. When I read the text message that I received on my burner phone, I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of it. "Of course," I mumbled, "What else, huh?"

The text message read, "Don't force me to silence you, Jacob."

Even if handing myself over to the police felt an awful lot like giving up, what other choice did I have left?

I mustered up all the makeshift courage I could and got out of my car as I muttered, "Try to silence this." Prepared to tell them everything, the apartment, the cellar, the torture, even Ava, I strode with determination.

My eyes were fixed on the police station in the distance but with every step I took, it felt more like I was walking to my own funeral.

My entire life seemed to pass by me, reminding me of all the good memories that I carried with me. It felt like a dazzling light breaking through the trauma and I welcomed it.

It made me realise just how many of my happy memories I shared with Aria, if not all of them. I could practically see me dropping her off at her first sleepover, her pigtails swaying as she waved me goodbye. It felt like yesterday when I would pick her up from school and we would eat scrambled eggs everyday for lunch, because that was the only thing I could cook. She really was the one good thing in my life and I was ready to fight for her, no matter what it cost me.

I laughed to myself, reminiscing on better days. Deep down, I knew it was my subconscious trying to soothe me as I was about to give myself up. But it felt too good to ruin it with rationality. So, I just walked, as slowly as possible, wishing this moment would never end.

But like all good things, it faded away too quickly, too abruptly.

The ringing of my phone tore me out of my thoughts and I landed back in realty, hitting the ground hard.

Something had changed. The freezing air felt colder, the day darker and the box in my arm heavier.

With a heavy heart, I picked up the phone, closing my eyes to soothe the burning.

Suddenly, Eddie's voice broke through the silence and my eyes immediately darted open at the urgency in his words. "Jacob?"

My entire body was paralyzed in fear, I stood still, far away from the police station.

"Eddie? What's - " I tried ferociously to fathom what was happening, when he interrupted me abruptly.

"Jacob, please, I- I need your help, man," he stumbled over his words and it almost sounded to me like he was whispering. My guts twisted with worry at his shushed tone.

All my senses were heightened, focusing on every single word he uttered,"What's wrong, Eddie?" I reiterated as I was fighting a sob in the back of my throat.

There was a long pause, the tense silence stretching on for what felt like an eternity and I felt goosebumps form all over my body.

Only his labored breathing was audible through the phone.

Then, with a gravity I couldn't comprehend, he uttered, "I think he's in my apartment."

Without warning, the call ended, an indescribable finality lingering in the air. The disconnect tone was droning in the background.

Then, without missing a heartbeat, I turned around and ran back to my car.

If he was going after Eddie next, I needed to do everything I could to save him. There was no way I would let Eddie suffer my destiny.

Yet, experience told me that I wasn't the person to prevent the crime, I was the one who merely discovered the crime scene.


Thank you guys so much for reading! Please leave a comment and continue voting for the chapters, if you want me to shout your work out at the end of my next chapter. :) 

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