prologue : lies

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» (Y/N)'S P.O.V «

Huh? Where am I? Why is it dark? Who am I? 

I moved my hands through the area to find out where I was, I felt a cold metal and pushed it.

I just came out normal, like I was just getting out using a door. 

I collected myself and tried to figure out where I was and what was going on. 

I sigh and looked around, there was a suspicious "blackboard" at the back of the room, a monitor above it, a locker to the left of it, and a window covered in barbed wire. 

There were also some overgrown plants on the walls and floors. 

What the hell is wrong with this room?

As I was done checking the area, I immediately inspected my clothes, I was just wearing a seifuku, a sailor school uniform.

What am I? The main character in an anime? 

As I reached the door and head out, I bumped into two who look like students too, a girl and a boy. 

As I was about to speak to them we are found by a large mechanical monstrosity, I couldn't process what just happened but we just run for our lives.

I run towards the stairs and I was followed by the other two but I just saw another robot.

What are they? What's wrong with these things?

I looked around and run down the hall to the left to avoid it. 

The three of us continued to evade the large mechanical monstrosities, not realizing that we were led towards a big two doors that looks like leading to a gym. 

I pushed the door using my hands and saw fourteen other high schoolers had already gathered. I gasp trying to collect my breath because of all of the running. 

I closed my eyes and leaned my back on the wall next to the door. And heard some random yet familiar voices.

Ohh... more people have arrived. "

Did you all get chased by that monster too!? "

What...are they? What do they want with us? "

Do you want me to check on what's happening? "

You can't! It's too dangerous out there! "

It's likely that monster still lurks nearby. . . "

I opened my eyes and followed the girl earlier and looked at the other students. 

W-wait." the girl shouted. " Who are you guys...? And why am I here- " she continued. 

And that makes us 17."  

Huh? 17 students in like an abandoned place? Sounds familiar.

Huh? " The girl questioned. 

I'm talking about us. There are 17 of us- all high schoolers. 

What do you think that means? "

Despair, Hope, Luck

I gasp in the sudden pain in my head. 

What the hell is that?! Despair? Hope? and Luck? 

I shook my head trying to push those thoughts away and pinched my cheek. 

It hurts so does it mean this isn't a dream?

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