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Ace: Hello everyone!

Kokichi: *looking intensely at the paper* So ah...welcome to Kokichi's Liar Show. Today I will be asking a couple of questions to our author!

Ace: Wait...isn't the show supposed to be called 'Ace's Show'? 

Kokichi: Nee-heehee, that sucks, so I changed it. 

Ace: Wha-

Kokichi: Anyways unto the first question, which part of the story was the hardest to write? 

Ace: *sigh* the part when you died on the story. It's hard to think of how would (y/n) react or what will be (y/n) doing in that part.

Kokichi: Why not just let me live? 

Ace: I don't want to, I want my readers to fall into despair.

Kokichi: Aren't the story supposed to be full of hope and truth?

Ace: Only if Shuichi ended up with me :D

Kokichi: *staring, deadpanned* Anyways the next question will be, what part of the story was the easiest to write?

Ace: (Y/n)'s first kiss.

Kokichi: I'm a great kisser, thank god it's only for (y/n). *wiggling his eyebrows*

Ace: *sigh* next question please.

Kokichi: If ever (Y/n) have an execution...what would it be?

Ace: Great question, about that if (y/n) ever did kill Miu, (y/n) will have the execution of her being on a board game wherein she will roll the dice and any output of it will lead to death. But (y/n) being (y/n) she didn't die. Not even scratches or anything will be left on her skin.

Kokichi:  Any thoughts about Hoshi?

Ace: She kinda umm...a kind and nice friend of (y/n). My face claim for her is Itsuki Nakano, well except for the eyes. 

Kokichi: Any thoughts about (y/n)?

Ace: (y/n), well... she had the same personality as you. And my face claim for her is Kaori Miyazono.

Kokichi: Any changes when I died?

Ace: Yeah, you cried and told yourself that you should have said ' I love you ' to (y/n) after that kiss.

Kokichi: Why did you decide to write this story? 

Ace: I like Danaganronpa so much and it became my addiction for now. So why not write a story of my favorite character.

Kokichi: *gasps* I'm you're favorite character?

Ace: Ah no that's a lie.

Kokichi: ...

Ace: Wait that's also a lie. You're my favorite character, so as Shuichi and Nagito.

Kokichi: I feel so touched.

Ace: Wait...literally or emotionally touch? 

Kokichi: Wha-

Ace: Just kidding, please next question.

Kokichi: What's the use of the special chapters of the book?

Ace: The three specials were all came from the original manga but only inserting (y/n). There is also your birthday special while the other one was my idea. There was also supposed to be another special chapter of (y/n) guessing which character is Tsumugi's cosplaying.

Kokichi: Any last words?

Ace: Why does that sound like a threat? But anyway thank you for reading this story! I hope you guys are safe and secured! 

Kokichi: For the last question, what's on your thought right now? 

Ace: A topless Shui-

Ace: Wait, that wasn't on the question paper!!

Kokichi: Nee-heehee, Shumaiiiiiiiiiiiii~  *throwing the papers on the air*

Ace: You little liar, come here! 

Ace: Thank you for reading this! Hope you could have a nice day.

Kokichi: *hugging me from the back while putting his chin on my shoulder* And this is how Kokichi's Liar Show has ended! It is sad to say that this is where the story will end!

Ace: *whispers* Hey don't lie, there will be another chapter...

Ace: *whispers* Hey don't lie, there will be another chapter

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