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Benedict was sad, mad and disappointed with himself. Making his way towards the Granville household to express his feeling into a painting. Another day without asking Aelianna for her hand.

"Bridgerton! I am so glad you came." Mr. Granville greeted. "Please, come in. Make yourself at home. I would show you around, but host duty calls."

Entering the Granville household, Benedict saw more people that normally would be, slowly walking towards the back of the room were no one was there, there he would relief his sadness with painting.

"Good evening, Mr. Bridgerton." Samson said from the other side of the room, Canva a in hand.

Benedict jumped from the sudden voice who scared him. "Lord Veuilleton," he started. "I apology for the other day, I was going to proposed to your daughter in that same spot, but..."

"But it was in an impulsive manner." Samson finished. "I do wish for you both to have a pure moment. It doesn't have to be with many people around and fireworks, but perhaps an emotional and intimate moment. If you're scared that's alright many people are when they do it for love."

Benedict sighed, and continued with his painting. Not noticing that it was her. "Is there any possibility I could go visit her tomorrow?"

"Yes, you are always welcome." Samson smiled while picking up his things ready to leave. "You make her really happy."

And with that Samson left, leaving Benedict in his thoughts. Benedict stayed a couple of hours, only for him to finish his painting, heading home afterwards with a small smile on his face.

The next morning, Daphne, Simon, Violet and lady Danbury were at the palace in front of the queen to see if they could obtain a marriage license.

"As low as you can go, Lady Danbury?" The queen asked.

"With these knees, yes, Your Majesty."

"Very well.Let your young people come forward." The queen said, Daphne and Simon stepped forward and bowed. "I have heard a rumor that the special license you seek to marry has been denied. I am not quite sure what you believe I am to do about it. Well, plead your case."

Your Majesty, I assure you nothing untoward has occurred. It is only that we love each other so very much. While I was deeply flattered by the attention
of your nephew, the prince, I... I simply could not ignore my long-standing affection for the duke. You see, Your Majesty, it was love at first sight." Daphne started confidently, but Simon interrupted her.

"It was not, Your Majesty. The young lady flatters me, but it was not love at first sight for either of us. There was attraction, certainly, at least on my part. But Miss Bridgerton thought me presumptuous, arrogant, insincere. All fair, really. And I thought her a prim young lady barely out of leading strings. Not to mention the sister of my best friend, and so romance was entirely out of the question for both of us. But in so removing it, we found something far greater. We found friendship. You see, Miss Bridgerton and I have been fooling all of Mayfair for some time. We have fooled them into thinking we are courting... when really, all along, we simply enjoyed each other's company so much we could not stay away from one another. I have never been a man that much enjoyed flirting, or chatting, or, indeed, talking at all. But with Daphne... Miss Bridgerton... conversation has always been easy. Her laughter brings me joy. To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart. And it is with my sincerest apologies, I must say it took the prince coming along for me to realize I did not want Miss Bridgerton to only be my friend. I wanted her to be my wife. I want her to be my wife. And so I plead with you... not to make us wait." He said, a significant pure moment.


"You are wise... or perhaps unusually lucky to understand friendship to be the best possible foundation a marriage can have. Even if that foundation should crumble as quickly as it was built. I shall like to offer you the choice, Miss Bridgerton. Do you wish to marry this man?" Her majesty asked. Daphne stayed still.

The only people that was invited to the small weadding was Daphne's siblings and mother, plus Aelianna who sat next to Benedict and Lady Danbury who sat on the grooms side, next to Will and her wife. Simon on the other hand was placed in the front of the church waiting for Daphne to walked down the aisle.

Everyone stood up once Daphne entered, she was wearing a beautiful white minimalist dress, Anthony next to her.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty
but more of safety than the single life. ...in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I now pronounce you man and wife."

Al thought it was small and simple it was a lovely wedding, Aelianna was happy for the couple. After the wedding ended, Benedict took her hand and lead her towards the Bridgerton Household were the celebration would take place.

"It was such a beautiful wedding.
Thank you for having us." Aelianna's parents told Daphne, before walking away.

"Elia, how was the ceremony?" Her mother asked her.

"Aww mama, it was lovely." Aelianna said excitedly. "It was simple yet romantic." She replied with a sip of her drink.

"Ladies," Benedict arrived. "Lia?" He said while extending his arm for her to take, as she did they started a journey, walking around the room until Mr.Granville stopped them for a chat.

"A most enjoyable party." Mr. Granville said.

"Indeed." Benedict replied with a smile.

"Um, Bridgerton... Um... The other night..."

"What happened the other night? I do not believe anything happened at all." Benedict responded. Elia was slightly confused but decided to question anything.

"Ah... Very well. Ah, dearest... I believe you know Mr. Bridgerton, Miss Veuilleton. My wife, Mrs. Lucy Granville." He introduced.

"It is a pleasure, Mr. Bridgerton" she nodded and turning to look at Elia. "Miss Veuilleton." She nodded again. After saying there goodbyes Elia and Benedict continued to walk around the room.

"Benedict," she started but stop herself afterwards.

"Yes, darling?" He hummed.

"Nothing." She said with a smile, regretting of wanting to bring the topic of marriage to the table.

"Do tell me," he insisted while looking at her.

"Could we maybe get more biscuits?" She smiled sweetly while looking at him.

"Come one." He laughed and lead her to the table with appetizers.

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