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I just want to say everything I want to say in case it is too late. Every day, I feel like I have so much I want to tell you and yet I feel like I have nothing to say, that I have said it all. I know time is running short, and I want to say everything, everything and everything.

We all knew hat this day would come eventually, but I guess that now that it's actually happening, it doesn't seem real. By the time when you read this sis, I'll already be gone, I thought about how difficult it is to write this, not because I'm sad, but because I haven't really wrapped my mind around me leaving you. I can't really picture me not being able to come by the house and hang out with you.

I watched you grow up. I know that your whole life has been a challenge. You were the one who, at a young age, took on a lot of responsibility. You were the one who we all turned to when we faced a problem and you didn't let us down, either. However, as people do, we make mistakes and it took a while for you to learn from yours. You came out of your situation as a new woman and you changed your world. I never thought that I'd see you as happy as you are now. I am so proud of you because you deserve this happiness. God knows that you've earned it.

We always have the best time together. Doesn't matter what we do. We have spent most of our lives doing everything together. You are in my childhood memories. You are part of my growing up and you are part of my life. I love talking with you because we always have so many things to talk about. I miss singing together with you. Remember when we were kids, we always learn songs from each other and sing at the kitchen and the neighbours can hear us sing? We laid on the deck, covered ourselves with blankets, and stared up at the night sky. It was just like we were camping. Remember the summer night when there was a black out and we laid down in the front yard walkway, admiring how bright the stars were and how silent the world was?

I would like to create more memories with you but just in case we don't get to. I want to say we have had a good time together, haven't we? We have loved each other unlike most sisters and we are closer than so many other siblings.

I wanted to remind you how special you are. You are my baby sister and you've made all my days brighter since the day you were born. Even on the days we disagree, I'm still glad that you are here to argue with me. You are strong, even on the days you think you aren't, and you can handle anything that is thrown your way, even on the days you think you can't. No matter what you do or where you go you will be successful, because you have the drive to achieve the things you want. You have already managed so much, and I am proud of you and all of your success.

You are creative. You have a mind different from everyone else's. And you will use that mind to create great things. You are my rose and you are beautiful. But sister, I need to remind you of the troubles you will face on your journeys in life. People will try to step on you and ruin what you are, but you can't let them. They will be mean, jealous and insulting, but you can't let them destroy who you are. Anyone who hurts you is not worth your thoughts or time. Don't let them change who you are and don't believe what others think about you. You be who you are. When things get hard, don't give up or doubt yourself. You are smart and can figure anything out, sometimes you just need time to think.

Do not fear failure, because if you live in fear you will never reach out of your comfort zone to succeed. Do not fear being alone, because I will always be here for you to fall back on. You are an extraordinary person, who will do big things in this world. I am so lucky to call you my sister.

Love always,

Your annoying big sister.

𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐛𝐞𝐞 ∗ 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧  Where stories live. Discover now