𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Telling Benedict she was expecting was easier than she thought. He actually responded in a happy and excited way.

"You need to stop cooking all this biscuits darling, I'm going to look like a ballon." Benedict said. After the four month Aelianna started to have a lot of cravings one of them her being her famous vanilla cookies. But she couldn't help it, she was entertained, and she could eat them afterwards!

"Benny, there are for me. No one said I made them for you." She responded sweetly but in joking matter.

"That's why I love you." He said, kissing his wife cheek afterwards, "and you too." He then proceed to kiss his wife bump.

"And we love you too." She smiled. "I feel bad we couldn't attended to you're sisters ball." She sighed.

"Don't worry Lia. She understands." He smiled weakly. "Well darling, I'm going to get more art supplies! I'll see you before dinner my girls."

"Girls?" She asked with a eyebrow raised and a hand on her hip. "And how do you know it's going to be a girl?"

"Instinct." He shrugged. She giggled, "you better hurry before they close the shop!"

"Goodbye Beautiful!"

Aelianna felt lonely her first months of pregnancy, with her parents and sister away from London for a hole year really hurt her — Samson Veuilleton decided that he needed a change of air, with his two oldest child's already married and his now seventeen year old daughter he decided that Elaine would be presented that season but away from London. More precisely in Prussia — Even though she had ink and paper to write to her parents about her soon new member of the family she decided to wait until her family was in London again.

She slowly made her way towards the backyard, a beautiful big terrain with a pond and big trees and flowers. She sat down on a bench and gently passed a hand on her belly.

"You know, I'm really tired of carrying you around." She giggled sadly. "But you know what scared me the most?" She left a tear roll down her face. "The fact that I'm losing more and more freckles as the time passes. You're father says I look beautiful without my freckles, but I just wish you are born with out them. He can't loose you too." She whispered the last part.

A voice behind her cleared their throat. "I didn't find you inside, that's why I came to the back." Dione said softly. "How is my nephew?" He joked. He really wanted to have a nephew.

"I think is going to be a niece." She responded — Dione Veuilleton, the only family member that knew about his sister pregnancy. He was the one that went to support her the most, and support her decision on telling the rest of the family once they were in London.

"What ever makes you sleep at night." He laughed.

"I wished they were here." She sighed, playing with the hem of her sleeve.

"I know."

"But it's for Elaine's future. She is going to do great, she is a beautiful girl." She smiled remembering her sister.

"Indeed she is, as bold as you, my dear little sister." He joked.

"Oh! Shut up you little pice of...."

Elaine Veuilleton missed so much her sibling and best friend but she really wanted to find someone who would love her just as Benedict love Aelianna.

"Ella? Are you ready?" Adelié asked her youngest daughter.

Elaine was wearing a white dress with light green flower details, she looked stunning. Her her was up in a beautiful bun made by her mother and a tita set on top.

"Yes mama, I'm ready."

The mother and daughter duo stood inside the Prussia castle were the ceremony would take place.

"Miss Elaine Veuilleton, presented by her mother, Viscountess Veuilleton, from London." After the door opened for her and her mother to walk in, all eyes were on them. Most of the people in the room gasped at the sight of the Viscounts youngest daughter, being captive by her beauty. Just like they did with Aelianna.

As they walked towards the Queen she stood up, and walked towards the Veuilleton girl, everyone hold their breaths "Stunning, my dear."

Elaine just smiled.

Dear readers,
It looks like Miss Elaine Veuilleton is a total sensation this season all the way in Prussia. It looks like Miss Veuilleton could possibly not finish her youth years and compromise already, good luck to her.  We hope she doesn't end up like Mary Edgecombe, now the Countess of Fulton.

In the other hand the Oldest's Veuilleton children indeed succeed in marriage, With Dione marrying Miss Lilith Stomarinton
And Aelianna with Lord Benedict Bridgerton. Both couples seem to look really happy and glad of their matches.

"Lia?" Benedict asked from the bottom stairs. "Lia?!" He yelled.

"Benedict! Come fast!" She yelled from their room. Aelianna was already tucked in and ready to sleep when a sudden kick stopped her.

A agitated Benedict stood in the door, his breath was fast and his hair was falling down his forehead. His sleeves were all the way up to his elbows and his first up bottoms were un bottom. He looked hot.

"Is everything alright?" He asked in between breaths.

"Yes! The baby just kicked!" She replied happily. "Come! Feel it."

Slowly he approached his wife, the one that took his hand and guide it towards the baby kicks. She gently placed it on her belly and waited for their child to kick.

"Oh my god." He breathed.

"Did you feel it?"

"No, but you scared me darling."

"Sush." She commanded. She slowly closed her eyes and he finally felt it.

"I feel it." He murmured. "Oh my!"

They both smiled. After a couple of hours Aelianna was finally sleeping, Benedict on the other hand was admiring his wife. He slowly and cautiously approached her belly and started to murmured. "Hey there, " he started. "I'm you're Papa, we are so exited for you to be born that we can't wait for your arrival. Mama and I can't wait to start a big large family, and you are just the start of all." He continued. "Just three more months." He smiled and kissed her belly.

That night Benedict and Aelianna sleep so peacefully, not knowing that it was just the start of a  big sad nightmare.

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